TTC for almost 3 years. Today is 10 days approx past avulation and 8 days before my period is due because I ovulated earlier. I got some cramps and light spotting and lower back pain... I'm tired and have a lot of gas. Anyone had implantation bleeding followedby those symptoms?
Who had implantation bleeding? - Fertility Network UK
Who had implantation bleeding?
Hello, I had implantation bleeding and thought it was all over. Until I took a test and got a positive
Congrats on your pregancy!!!Thanks so much for your reply. I had cramps and lower back pain last night and started spotting and I'm still spotting this morning....I don't have any other symptoms...did you have any other symptoms?
Thank you! My little boy is 4 months now, my IVF worked on the 3rd go! I didn't have any symptoms none at all! Please see my previous posts they might help you. When are you meant to test x
Thanks so much!! I will go have a read...God bless you and your little bundle of joy!!!
I got light spotting, plus cramps and headaches, before my BFP. I didn't get lower back pain but then again I rarely suffer from that. Good luck!
I had implantation bleeding I was so scared and worried but I had a beautiful baby girl xx
Aww congrats on your baby girl!! When did you have it and did you have any other symptoms?
I didn’t have implantation bleeding but I did have cramps which happened 12 days post ovulation. I also had backache very sore boobs. It felt like my period was coming & I had written the month off! However it never showed up, i am now 34 weeks pregnant after a 7 year struggle.
The early pregnancy symptoms & pms symptoms are very similar & are difficult to tell apart. It was only when my period was missing did it click I might be pregnant! (My periods are very regular. )
I tested the day after my period was due, if you can hold out till period was due. Most drs recommend testing after missed period, sometimes the HCG levels aren’t high enough to detect earlier.
Really hope all your symptoms are due to a pregnancy. Keeping everything crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻✨✨✨❤️❤️❤️ xoxo
Aww such a great happy for you!!! I'm still bleeding lightly and have cramps today...I'm always regular with my period also... I'm not due to have it for another 8 days...last month my period was so light also...don't know what's going on anymore!!! I will try test once this bleeding stops. Thanks for your reply xx
🙋🏻♀️ gassy, implantation bleeding... hang in there! You can do this! x
Yes that's me!!! Thanks for your reply 😘😘😘
Problem with this journey is we want to look for positive signs and negative signs all in one go so we don’t get our hopes up but continue to believe we are doing great! x
What was your bleeding like and how long did it last?
Bright pink spotting. A couple of days. Remember everyone is different and on my pregnancy that worked I had nothing except blood clots at 6 weeks for two weeks xx
Wow it's crazy how everyone has a different story! Thanks for your reply hun xx
Everyone’s different inside I guess. Each body works different to the next. I remember posting about my implantation bleed and some had had it and some hadn’t xx
Good luck! x
Yeah I've been reading so many stories I'm making myself crazylol...just saw a pic of your little angel on your page....she's absolutely beautiful....congrats and thanks for taking the time to reply God bless you
I don’t think I can ever forget how helpful this group was to me for the years I needed it. I guess now I feel like I should still help others too x
Yes ma'am! I had every symptom that was with my implantation. Bleeding, cramping, nausea, all of it. Its normal during first 14 days. My dr has me on progesterone. Its working so far.
Wow and your pregnant? How heavy was your bleeding? I have a huge headache that won't go away either! Today the bleeding has stopped so technically I lightly bled for 1.5 days. I have some nausea today too
Can I ask what color your bleeding was? Mine is bright red
Mine was red, bright red, and brown. I went to the dr for a few beta tests because I was scared and my levels keep rising. So, he says I'm jus fine. The more than doubled. Everyone thinks its 2 because of my progesterone metabolizing so fast.
I am currently on day 11 post 3 day embryo transfer and was experiencing implantation bleeding which turned redder in colour and got heavier during the night and has now got lighter but still red in colour.. We are worried sick.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any advice?
Hi Curri,
I hope everything has worked out for you. My wife bled from day ten to day twelve, ranging from very light spotting to a light flow bright red in colour.
We had our OTD today (day 13)and had a negative, but wonder whether it is likely the bleed was implantation or an early period?
Would love to hear how you got on!x