I've noticed quite a few times that instead of a normal period I get a kind of brown discharge for a good few days. Eventually it turns to blood. This only happens after we've had regular intercourse when chance of being pregnant is higher. Is this normal? X
Implantation bleeding : I've noticed... - Fertility Network UK
Implantation bleeding
I'm not sure sweet- I get that to every month. Mine I think is probably linked to my PCO.
I think it can be common to bleed lightly then period.
Have you spoken to your clinic about it? Might be worth a mention.
If you think you are at times experiencing early loss before period is due you could do a pregnancy blood test?
Good luck
Hi Katya, do you suffer from an autoimmune condition by any chance? The same thing happens to me, and although I have had no positive preg tests, my dr feels that as soon as an embryo is trying to implant, my body attacks it. This belief is controversial in the medical world though!
Not that I know of but this only happens when we have sex on a regular basis. My husband works away some months I don't see him much and when I don't see him I just get a regular period. It's now 3 days late have had light red blood and lots of brown spotting but no actual period. Thanks for replying cx,
Have you had your thyroid antibodies checked? I had no inclination that I had an autoimmune condition until we started ttc and nothing happened. My thyroid antibodies were very high and I was then diagnosed with Hashimotos x