So worried this morning, woken up to find pinky brown discharge and bad lower back pains 😖 so worried that i might end up having another miscarriage! Took another hpt which is positive, boobs still sore and I’m nauseous-would I still have symptoms if I was losing the baby? Clinic is closed due to bank holiday so can’t even call them for advice 😔
5+4 after FET and brown spotting - Fertility Network UK
5+4 after FET and brown spotting

I had similar around the same time and I totally freaked out but it subsided after a day or so and my test is still positive at 14dp5dt x still taking it a day at a time as we had mc at 6 weeks on our last fet 18mths ago xx it Brill the test is showing positive already hun congratulations xx
I tested positive at 6dp5dt which was really early but I’m 5weeks and 4 days pregnant now from my OTD, can’t help freaking out as I had a miscarriage last year followed by two chemicals, one after my last round of ivf 😞 hoping it sticks this time and the spotting passes, desperate to make it to scan date on the 29th!
I’m 5weeks +1 today and going through the same boat. I suggest you remain calm and stay positive and hope for the best. Sending you love and light xxx
So sorry to hear of your previous loss & sorry to hear you are experiencing bleeding with this pregnancy.
I know it’s very scary. I have had lots of spotting throughout this pregnancy mainly brown but I did have fresh blood with clots at 10 weeks. I also had a previous loss prior to this pregnancy. Happily I can tell you I’m now 34 weeks pregnant.
When i had my bleeding I still had my symptoms. With early miscarriages your symptoms do completely disappear & don’t come back.
The midwife told me not to worry, she said it was only concerning if there was severe abdominal pain followed by heavy bleeding like filling a pad every hour or less. She said lots of women spot ( ie bleeding is seen only when you wipe) most babies are fine. Pain is normally the first sign of a impending miscarriage, that’s what she said.
The fact yours is light , no pain & only brown is very hopeful.
You can always phone 111 & they might get the early pregnancy unit to see you. At this early point they’ll probably be unable to scan you but might be able to measure your HCG levels
. After 6 weeks your GP or clinic can refer you to the early pregnancy unit for a scan. Some areas you can self refer to early pregnancy unit ( my area requires a referral for from a GP)
The GP advised me to rest up like bed rest until it stopped. I never got a explanation for the bleeding except it had nothing to do with my baby.
I know so many ladies who’ve bled & been okay & hope your spotting eases soon & you can get some reassurance soon to put your mind at ease. xxx

Thank you that’s reassuring to know xx