Hi guys. We had a failed fet culminating in BNF this weekend. Couldn’t believe it. I’m 30, husband 33. Had one miscarriage together 8 years ago. Ttc 2.5 years. Unexplained infertility as neither of us had any problems, I just didn’t see why it wouldn’t work naively.
All the meds went well, injections. Then on scan I had large follicles on right and not many small on left. 10 in total. EC went ahead, I was so positive smiling happy. Absolutely crushed and devastated when they said only 3 collected. Then none went to blastocyst, one survived to day 5 which they implanted as a 5% chance as it had already as one of our two NHS funded cycles.
I honestly just feel like such a failure, I feel like I could’ve done so much differently and I didn’t even realise how many heart breaking stages were involved.
I would be so grateful to hear from people who have had experience on failed fets and what happened next?? We’re thinking of taking a 3 month break to try and get healthier and improve our chances. Do they tell you specifically why it went wrong and how long does your appointment take??
Thanks so much !!!!