So stuck with deciding what to do. Should I try mild ivf ? Or go with a normal clinic? I don’t feel like my two previous rounds give me much of a clue based on their results. The nhs consultant said he would use the same protocol again in our follow up. But he also suggested moving to donor eggs ...
My head is a total mess and feel like i cant go on today. I'm an ex smoker and have been dipping back in the past few weeks and craving to smoke now even though I know its the worst thing I can do.
Just 40 years old previous two rounds:
Round One; 3 eggs two fertilised day 5 - one 4 cell and one 8 cell. nothing to freeze (no fresh transfer due to cyst and high progesterone)
round 2: 4 eggs only one fertilised normally - (calcium ionophore was used) one blastocyst transferred. Sadly failed
I am having consultations so far with crgh and create. I am looking at either mild ivf (embryo banking) or a three cycle programme via access fertility if I’m eligible. I think both consultants I speak to will want me to take their protocol and believe its the best.
Obviously Create do mild ivf and i was considering embryo banking…However as I’ve had nothing to freeze before I wondered if this will be viable ….
I also worry that if I choose crgh I will run out of time while I’m transferring each embryo from each cycle. I wonder what will get better results …. Could I try one with create first ?! If I do that I’m not likely to get funding with access fertility.