Just wondering how long you ladies who had the misfortune of having a failed cycle but were lucky enough to have one or more Frosties waited for your FET cycle? And did you/your clinic suggest you had one or more embies transferred for your FET? On reflection do you think you waited long enough? Thank you all Xx
How long did you wait after failed fr... - Fertility Network UK
How long did you wait after failed fresh cycle to do a fet?

Hey, I waited 3 months between miscarrying and having a FET which was unsuccessful then another 3 months until another unsuccessful FET. Each frozen I had 2 embryos transferred- looking back my 1st FET cycle I wasn't in the right frame of mind I was still grieving but thought I could 'get over' it but throwing myself back into treatment, I remember knowing the cycle had been unsuccessful and not really feeling anything xx
Hi E, gosh it sounds like you've been through an awful lot! It's really helpful to hear about your experience. I know what you mean about throwing yourself into a new round. I want to but I also want to be ready (if that's ever possible!). We're away at the end of July and will see how we are doing when we come back and keep checking in with ourselves until it feels right to try again. I'm so nervous that our Frosties won't work - while they're frozen, there's hope! I wish you all the luck in the world for your current cycle! Xxx
Definitely it's hard to know if we're ever truly ready but I think there's times where your more focused than others, I'm starting my 2nd fresh cycle on the 20th but this time I feel very 'ready' to start. I think getting away is always a good thing helps re charge! That's understandable I've heard a lot of success stories from frozen embryos though so there's always hope to hold on to - good luck with whatever you decide to do xx
I had to wait 3 months from a failed fresh cycle to do a FET or start another fresh cycle. X
I think it was 3 bleeds before fet xx
Thanks Tugs! That feels like ages but is probably about right. Am thinking I need a proper holiday and not just a long weekend to see OHs parents. We could do that but not til mod Sept and then I worry because a holiday usually means eating all the wrong foods because it's usually impossible to get proper healthy food, when I'm supposed to be being good. I could do with a proper holiday much sooner really! Feeling exhausted! Xx
Hiya! My clinic let me get right back to it after my bfn from a fresh cycle. Just had to call the clinic when my next af started and began down regging on day 21 of that cycle...so the process actually started about 7-8wks after my bfn.
Got my bfp last week nearly 3mths to the day I got my bfn...😃
For me I had no question in my mind I wanted to start again straight away....I actually enjoyed being in the process more than I enjoyed being out of it, as in my mind I always think "you gotta be in it to win it"...everyone's different though so go with your gut instinct. Either way only do it when you feel ready xxx
ps:- fet's are sooooo much easier on the mind and body. Good luck 🍀🍀🍀
Thanks Oakey. I sort of feel that too. Am going to see how we feel when we come back from the in laws. We have our follow up on Monday so will see what the clinic says too. Am worried the FET won't take but it's good to hear your positive stories to get me feeling more positive about it! Xx
I was the same as oakey80... Next period started down reg. It was a lot easier physically and mentally and I now have a 3 month old! I felt better doing something rather than just waiting but I agree whatever feels right for you. I also had the option of 1 or 2 to transfer (but didn't know this till the day) so definitely do lots of research prior as that was a difficult decision to make on the spot! We decided 1 in the end (safer, less risky than multiples) best of luck x
Thank you. I think I do want to move forward reasonably quickly. We're going to ask about numbers at our follow up on Monday and see what they say. If they defrost more than one and they're both good I think I'd prefer to have them transferred than perish - I'm assuming they can't refreeze them....congrats on your lovely news!! 😀💕 xx
thank you! ☺ no, they can't refreeze... You also have to weigh up the risks of a live birth with multiples if both take, or potentially 3 or 4! There's a lady on here who got quads from having 2 embryo's transferred. multiples sounds great when you are having fertility problems but they can lead to bigger problems so make an educated decision. Your embryologist should guide you (depending on quality, your age etc) best of luck x
My clinic has a minimum of 3 month wait in between cycles.
I'll be starting my third cycle in August. I see that you'd like to go on holiday but worried because of eating/drinking wrong things etc, my advice is to go and have a well deserved break. Eat and drink what you fancy 🙂
I was very strict first cycle, stopped drinking alcohol completely about 5 months prior. Second cycle I stopped drinking alcohol about 3 months prior. Both ended in chemical pregnancies.
I fly back from holiday 9th August and will be going into hospital 10th or 11th August to start treatment for my third shot (second FET). On holiday I will be drinking what I want and eating what I want. I think we all deserve to let our hair down now and then, especially with everything we're going through. People who aren't going through fertility treatment manage to get pregnant without being mega strict so I don't think it'll do any harm. If anything the break will be just what you need 🙂 Xxx
I was told 3 bleeds between by a nurse after our bfn but when we went for follow up the consultant said we could start after the period I was due on. I had a bleed after failed cycle then one more then started ovulation tests then FET xx