Hi guys so as some of you may know our OTD was Tuesday 26th Feb and was a BFN. They told me to carry on taking my drugs and to test again tomorrow but I tested again today too and was still negative. So will try again tomorrow as asked but to be honest not expecting it to work. Thing is I haven't had any bleeding whatsoever. Part of the issues as to why I can't concieve naturally include that my periods do not come at all unless forced by drugs, so just wondering when I should start bleeding after my BFN? If I don't bleed will I have to go to a follow up scan? I've never had this happen before, except for my daughter, always had miscarriages rather than the BFNs or failed fertilisation before we even got to transfer so not really sure what to expect?
I wouldn't say I've accepted that it's failed, more like I know it's failed but can't accept it until I bleed if that makes sense? Suppose there's some part of you that hopes even though you know it's ridiculous until you bleed. Feel like I can't accept it and move on until it happens.