Well to say I’m gutted is an understatement. Our second IVF cycle (ICSI this time) went so much better than the first and we actually made it to embryo transfer this time. We’ve been trying to stay so hopeful and positive and I think we were really expecting a positive. But got my bloods done today and called for the results and it’s a definite no. We have two frozen embryo’s (one 3ab one 3bb) but not sure when FET will happen (or really of process?). Such a lot of heartache for 3 years, I thought it was maybe going to be our turn. It makes me wonder how much more of this we can/should do. Trying to hold on to hope but sometimes it’s just too painful.
OTD - definitive negative result - Fertility Network UK
OTD - definitive negative result

So sorry to hear this. I have heard FETs are normally more successful than fresh transfer so really hoping it works out for you. Depending on how you're feeling in yourself the clinic will probably allow you to try again in a month or 2 so they can be sure all the drugs are out of your system. Xx
I am so sorry to hear this, it really does get you down and I quite understand the feeling about not sure if you can go on, take some time to get over this round and gradually you will feel ready again. Like CC2018 I've heard great things about FETs being more successful so this could be the one and they sound like great embryos. Good luck xx

Thanks Sounds like you’ve been through a lot too. I don’t really understand the grading system to be honest so I don’t have any concept of if they’re good or not?! Xx
Hi it was my OTD today too and it was unsuccessful after 4 rounds. Know it's difficult but we are strong and can get through this!! Great news you have some frozen, I have one frozen left. I think it's a numbers game sometimes or at least I'm hoping so! Wishing you all the best! X
Oh so sorry to hear that. Great reminder of our strength though. I can’t decide if it’s getting easier or harder the longer it goes on! Good luck with your frozen one - it did soften the blow a bit that there’s still a bit of hope. It’s just gruelling though!!!
Definitely gruelling and wears you down! Just hoping for that day when we don’t have to think about ivf anymore!!
Yes absolutely and just get on with planning life and holidays and future plans without having everything on hold!
Hi, sorry to read about this cycle. I too am in that limbo waiting for FET and feeling unsure what it’ll bring. I also read if can be more successful too - depends on the issue I think. Try to stay focused on those Frosties you have and those chances and letting yourself recover ready for them. I like to think I’ll just ‘know’ when the time to stop is although I’m not sure. Thinking of you and sending positive healing thoughts. X

Thanks so much and good luck for your frozen cycle. How long have you been waiting? Hope it’s successful for you xx
Thanks! I just had my fresh cycle cancelled due to OHSS 2 weeks ago so I’m not sure yet when FET will be. I’m hoping for next month but it depends how I recover...

Oh so sorry to hear that, the whole process is tough enough without OHSS too. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I’m not good at being patient but the last 3 years has certainly been teaching me that nothing is in my control and I’m hopefully getting a little better at rolling with things.
So sorry for your BFN 😞 please look after yourself during this sad time xxx
We had 1st IVF with ICSI in 2015 8 eggs, 4 fertilised, only 1 embryo survived and transfer on a fresh cycle - BFP and perfect pregnancy. 2nd cycle IVF with ICSI in September 2018 4 eggs, 4 fertilised, 4 embryos. 3 Frozen and 1 embryo 4bb transfer on the fresh cycle - BFP ended in Miscarriage after 7 weeks with a blighted ovum. FET of 3bb in February 2019 - BFP and today 6weeks 6 days and saw heartbeat and all looks really healthy.
I definitely felt the FET was much better. My body was without all the hormones and stress from egg collection, I was more relaxed and accepting of treatment of frozen cycle and if the embryo can survive the thawing process there is a better chance of pregnancy (as per latest studies) due to reasons mentioned above.
FET for me was a MUCH more positive and pleasant experience, so much less stress and so much less intrusive. No blood tests, no going back and forth to clinic, one scan, one tiny tablet 3x per day, embryo transfer so stress free. I would highly recommend it and would have frozen all 4 on the fresh cycle if I knew what I knew now. I think a fresh cycle is a very invasive and stressful treatment.
Good luck and keep positive, FET is not the end of the world! Baby dust to you!
Congratulations on your BFP's, but sorry you've gone through so much too. That's really helpful to know, thanks. I don't think I could face another fresh cycle right not so if FET is a bit easier physically I think that will help emotionally too hopefully. Just heard today that it will probably be another 3 months before the FET so I have a wee while to recover now and get myself in the zone again x
So sorry to hear that any I know it is painful but I know once you get sum time to relax and love on each other then both of you will be able to make the decision if you want to continue with a FET right away or just to give it a break for now . Sending you lots of pray and warm hugs.