I'm due to start our first IVF cycle in a couple of weeks, found out yesterday that my AMH level has dropped from 22 to 8 in just over a year so Dr is concerned about that, also it appeared that I had quite a thin lining on my scan. I've been taking pregacare vitamin for some time, I know I'm starting the cycle very soon but is there anything else that I can try and do to improve chances of lining thickening up? I've started walking more regularly to try to improve circulation as I don't tend to walk enough during the day (office job). thanks
Due to start 1st IVF cycle in a few w... - Fertility Network UK
Due to start 1st IVF cycle in a few weeks

Just wanted to drop in and say I recently had the news that my AMH had dropped the same, 22.6 to 9.7 in a year! Talk about falling off a cliff... My clinic didn’t seem too concerned though and said it was probably due to my age (35 in May).. With regards to your lining, I’ve heard raspberry leaf tea is meant to be good.. Also vitamin e too (avocados!) Walking will help too.. My lining has always been a bit on the lazy side, not sure if any of these worked but it’s worth a try.. Best of luck with everything xxx
Thanks for replying. Yes I think mine is age related I'm 37 now, rubbish isn't it what a drop - it took me by surprise given the last result seemed so good! I'll pick up some raspberry leaf tea and love avocados already. Thanks for the tips it's all worth a try. Good luck to you as well xx
It took me by surprise too as I really wasn’t expecting such a drop! I have tried to put it to the back of my mind though so we’ll see what happens mid March when I go for EC! 🤞🏻 That’s all we can do I guess.. Good luck xx
Hello good luck on your first cycle, well I was super nervous in my first cycle too im 39 and my AMH was 3.9 last year probably way lower this year. I don’t know about my lining but what
I could tell you is how I think I tried to improve my chances maybe that could help...I went to acupuncture with a very lovely lady, I started taking spirulina that taste horrible but I read it was good, I took prenatal vitamins from nutri advance which are supposed to be very good, took coQ10 and omega 3 also stopped drinking fizzy drinks, caffeine and alcohol completely. Also I drank cherry 🍒 juice every night from when I started my injections because I read that it’s good for ivf treatments. Also I drank pomegranate juice everyday. So I don’t know what helped maybe everything but today I’ve got my BFP and my chances were very slim because i also only had 1 follicle growing and that was my only follicle retrieved. So be positive even if your AMH is los anything can happen. Good luck xxxx
Hi. Your AMH drop just means less expected eggs, which happens with age, so we need to try to improve the quality of those we do have. My (new) doctor has recommended 300mg CoQ10 and omega 3 tablets as well as the obvious pregnacare type ones.
For my lining I ate 3 Brazil nuts every day and used a hot water bottle.
Good luck with your cycle!
thank you, I started on the brazil nuts earlier this week!