Though they transferred three embryos to me, yesterday's beta HCG test was negative.I am still wondering what could have gone wrong😅 Feeling dejected. I know it always does not work in the first cycle but somehow had hope since doctor said quality of blastocyte transferred was too good.
Failed 1st IVF cycle: Though they... - Fertility Network UK
Failed 1st IVF cycle

Don't worry! It's just your first round. I'm sure that you'll have a positive result next time! Good luck! xx
Hi, sorry to hear that!
I am waiting for ivf and its so hard to not raise your hopes for a miracle the first time. Its also easy for people to say dont panic.
Try and think of it as a practice round that was preparing your body for the real deal!
Much love
Anna x
Thanks a lot.All the best for your IVF! I am convincing myself with your words that it could be a practice round..
Hey, I had great quality ones too and had two transferred but it wasn't to be, I start again on Saturday and they have changed my drugs completely so the first go was literally a trial
Are you planning on going again?

I think they will transfer the frozen embryo next cycle. How many months should we wait to start a fresh cycle again?I understand they would allow ovaries to rest down at least for two months before next stimulation.Is that right? And all the best to you and lots of love. Wishing your cycle to end in BFP 😃
Mine have started me the month after !
I asked if I should have a ready but they were happy to start again so hopefully they are right
Normally the first round is a yet run, try not to be too broken next time is your time xx

Thanks a lot for your soothing words, hoping it will be positive the next cycle!
It's frustrating when you get a BFN after it's all gone well. I was shocked that our first round didn't work as we had 2 good quality embies transferred. The consultant wasn't able to offer an explanation. Unfortunately many of us don't get the success we hope for.
I hope that you get success from your frosties.
I'm kinda having they feelings as well as I would have to pay if I wanted Ivf u can go through having healthy eggs and must be devastated that it Hasn't worked first time hope ur lucky secound time xxxx
I totally get where you are coming from. We had one really good embryo transferred on the 16th May and all of the signs were really good.... Unfortunately I started bleeding on the 25th may (a day before OTD) and it was game over.
No real reasons given for the failure and it completely Crushed us, I really thought that we would be one of the lucky ones.
We have one frozen embryo that they want us to try before another fresh cycle.
So on the 14th July we are going for the prostap injection, scratch and hopefully will get fet early August all being well.
Just wanted to give you an idea of timescales and to say sorry it didn't work, i think when everything goes well it's so hard to not think its all worked.
Keep going and stay strong, we have to fight as hard as we can xx
Holly x
I really feel for you guys, it's just one hurdle after another. As I said on my boss's first attempt, we have to look at how far we've come, not how much further we have to go. Baby dust to everyone xx
Dear, Hopingfor! I’m so terribly sorry for your failure. I had my very first IVF cycle also failed. Since I’m in the case of unexplained infertility we moved on with donor eggs. 2 beautiful embryos were put back but unfortunately one vanished, yet another didn’t make it.
I know how you feel, believe me. I cried a lot and got angry. I allowed myself to grieve for a set amount of time. When we went to meet with our RE, we had a list of questions to ask her about the cycle. What went right and what didn't and what we could do for next time.
I should say looking into acupuncture is a thing. As much as I believe that everything happens for a reason, it was hard to keep that in mind.
It's ok to grieve and get mad or feel whatever you are feeling. I don't think there is any right or wrong way to feel. As for trying to make the time pass faster, just try to stay busy as much as you can.
I hope this helps you. Know that you are not alone. Lots of hugs to you!
Hi Hopingforbest - so sorry you didn't get the good news we all so desperately hope for. It's really very hard when it all feels like everything has gone so well. Rest assured, you didn't do anything wrong, for some unknown reason (& there are many of those!), it wasn't your turn this time but there's no reason why it wont be. Unfortunately for many the first round doesn't work but always make sure the next fresh cycle is not exactly the same as the first - that never made sense to me, in all our cycles we did something different each time. I don't know the reason why you need IVF and putting 3 back is very unusual in the UK for a first round. You should have a followup appointment so ask all the questions that pop into your head - I think the INUK may even have a factsheet type thing with suggested questions if you are feeling overwhelmed, so maybe contact them to. You may also want to speak to a fertility Counsellor or a Fertility Coach - they are very understanding and help women through negative results more often than they'd like!!
Good luck for your frozen cycle and be kind to yourself.
Sending Hugs xxx
Aww am so sorry it didn't work this time hun, it's so disappointing and people saying wasn't meant to be this time, what will be will be, don't worry/ panic but when it's something you can't stop hoping and wishing for words like that hurt. Even tho it's the last thing there trying to do. Just you deal with things best you can and get yourself ready for your thaw cycle and I will pray it works hun, I had 3 fails and on my 4th I got my bfp after 9 years so it does work am 6 weeks today and so scared of losing my wee peanut that I won't even take it in that am really pregnant, I wish u all the luck hun, sending baby dust to you 💖

Thanks a lot, I still couldn't fully get over with it. But hoping well for the next one. Don't worry, you will have a healthy pregnancy. My best wishes for it 😃
Just shows how strong u are even tho you mite not feel it hun thank you means alot 💖 xxxxxx
Can you discuss with yr doc why yr cycle failed? A friend of mine who cycled at fertility clinic in Gdansk has been offered free consultation to discuss her first round, that failed. She did additional testing, and fell pregnant on her second attempt. x
sorry to know that but chin up. we'll all hope that your next try will be a success. we're not 11 weeks pregnant with our surro so lots of fertility dust on you sweetie xx