Sorry in advance for the pity post!! 😢Congrats ladies who have had good news and best of luck to to everyone else still on this journey!!
On Thur we had 4 ‘lovely’ embies at Day 3, which were left then to Sat for Day 5!! On our way to hosp (we have 4hr journey) we got the devastating call to say 3 had stopped developing and the 4th was an early blast so they needed to give it longer!! App’mnt pushed back 3hrs, by which time embie had developed into a 2bb but my lining was too thin to transfer!! 😢 We’ve had to freeze the embie, stop all meds and start progynova as soon as I bleed for a frozen cycle!!
Sat really was one of the toughest days we’ve had, and this is our 4th cycle with 3 miscarriages last year - I think it’s all so real now that at 41 in the next couple of weeks this is not going to work for us!! 💔 so broken by it all and never felt so lonely!! Hence reaching out to you lovely ladies who can relate to this horrendous journey!!
Sending love and strength to you all!! xx