Think we made a decision ☹: This hasn't... - Fertility Network UK

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Think we made a decision ☹

68 Replies

This hasn't been easy decision, but after my husband's brother announcing his wife is pregnant, we've decided that our journey of ivf has come to an end, we hope in this making this decision all the bitterness and gut wrenching pain at every pregnant women and every pregnancy announcement will ease as we have took the decision back in our hands.

We are not saying never again we are just saying let's stand back and see how we cope. I did fall pregnant naturally last year which ended in a miscarriage, but we aren't going to stop trying naturally so you never know one day I might get my miracle baby 🤞🙏.

After 7 years + of trying to concive and ivf, we need to try and find ourselfs again.

Good luck to every lady starting this ivf journey or if your on your 2ww I hope you get your BFP.

To everyone who has got their BFP huge congratulations .

To any one that is going through or had a misscarrage my heart goes out to you all.

Much love to every one on here who has given me support over the years.


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68 Replies
jengi profile image

Big hugs to you my lovely! It’s a gruelling journey and you’ve been through so much. Well done on making this decision. It’s so important to look after our emotional and mental well being Xx

in reply to jengi

Thank you, tough decision but think it needed to be made , we definatly need to get back to ourselfs xx

Hard decision to make, after this very last shit we too are also done, maybe rainbows will come in a different form.

I wish you good health and luck always x

in reply to

Thank you tamtam ,sorry to hear you've also made this decision too, you've been through a lot over the years. If anyone deserves a rainbow you certainly do.

Wishing you the best of luck xx

You are so brave, and thank you for posting as its really inspiring. Sometimes I think we all need a break from things, particularly TTC does become such a big part of our lives. My OH and I were talking about that very topic this morning, we are going through MC and we have both lost our mojo for everything - work, life etc and can barely talk to any of our friends or family as it hurts that they all have what we want so desperately.

I really hope you both find some peace and I really hope that you do get your miracle baby without all the physical and emotional turmoil IVF brings. lots of love and luck xx

in reply to

Thank you, and I hope you get your mojo back for life , wishing you all the best xx

Eltel81 profile image

Sometimes a break is really healthy and as you said, you never know what might happen next. If you can, book yourself an awesome holiday or something, that always cheers me up! Though, I do understand what a gut wrenching decision this must have been and I had a miscarriage recently and been told I have 10% chance of ivf working with my own eggs so I may we’ll be in this situation in the not to distant future. All the best of luck and big hugs xx

in reply to Eltel81

Thank you, sorry to hear about your miscarriage and bad news recently, this ivf journey is a hell of a roller coaster.

I'm turning 40 next year and we are going to book a trip to new York.

I know she won't be on our side after that but we revisit and do what we think best.

All the very best to you too x

Leo2017 profile image

What a hard, but extremely brave decision to make!! 💗 This journey is so incredibly tough and I can so relate to your comment about needing to find yourselves again!! It’s consumed us now for years also - last 2yrs doing treatment and sometimes I wonder who I am now!!

Sending you so much love and strength!! xx

in reply to Leo2017

Thank you , I hope this cycle brings you your BFP.

Totally get you wondering who you are, people just don't get how brutal this journey is unless you've been through it.


Cinderella5 profile image

Aww honey such a difficult decision to make but I hope you can both find some peace now. Lots of love to you both & thank you for all the support you have given me over the years also!😘xxx

Thank you, I really hope this times your time, I'm sure I will have a pop onto site to see updates from time to time so I'm hoping to see a postive post from you when I do 😊.

Good luck and everything crossed xx

A huge step but what a time you have been trying. You really do loose yourself in this journey. Take time to enjoy each other and enjoy you again. Sending you all the very best for your future xxx

in reply to

Thank you, yes I hope I can find myself again, i think myself and my hubby both need to.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy xx

Yogagirl37 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear your news. It’s just gutting. It’s made me feel quite emotional as on this journey none of us know how things are going to end. That’s the hardest part. We use keep putting our bodies through all of the drugs and procedures whilst our mental and emotional health gets a battering. It sounds like your making the right decision for you both. Like you say, keep trying naturally. It’s happened before it can happen again. Best of luck and happiness x

in reply to Yogagirl37

Thank you, it would be lovely if we had a crystal ball to tell us just try one more time and you will get it, unfortunately life isn't like that.

Good luck with the rest of your cycle I hope you get your BFP xx

Ash2016 profile image

Good luck on your journey cocker_crazy. We stepped back last year after our third failed attempt and it was great just to be ourselves, reconnect with friends we’d pushed away and make plans. We’ve recently come back to face our fertility reality and after follow up appt last week both wondered whether we had reached the end of the road and that maybe over the last 5 months we might of come to terms with our lot in life. We hadn’t really given it any thought as such but that was both how we felt after our appt. That said we are going to give one IUI a shot (I think) and see what happens and then we’ll take stock again but the thought of letting go is getting easier the more we enjoy ourselves again and focus on the positives. All the best xxx

in reply to Ash2016

Thank you, it's really hard to know what to do, but I know at this moment what we are doing feels right for us at this time . Saying that we never know what life has install for us.

Good luck with your next round if you decide to go ahead xx

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to

As long as it’s right for you that’s all that matters lovely xxx

E_05 profile image

Definitely a brave decision to make, I hope you and your husband find some peace and enjoy being ‘you’ again. All the bedt for the future xx

in reply to E_05

Thank you so much, all the best with the rest of your pregnancy xx

2018hopeful profile image

Brave decision! You have to do what's best for you and the other half in the end. We've been trying 6 years this month, I early miscarriage nearly 5 years ago (natural conception). We are now on our 2nd 2ww. Had a failed ICSI in August. We will be calling it a day if this doesn't work. Haven't got money for a 3rd cycle, and think enough is enough. I'm hoping we can adopt in the future. Good luck with your journey wherever it takes you x x

in reply to 2018hopeful

Thank you, sorry to hear about your miscarriages, life is just so cruel.

I think even if we have all the money in the world ( which we dont) there has to be a point where you say enough is enough or infertility just takes over your life.

Good luck with this 2ww and I hope you get your BFP xx

2018hopeful profile image
2018hopeful in reply to

Thank you, take care of yourself x x x

Elvia33P profile image

I just wanted to stop by and wish you all the best. Do what your heart tells you. Sometimes pauses and breaks are inevitable and it is the healthiest way to step aside and let yourself heal.

I did that and do not feel regretful even though it took me years to come back to my pre ttc state of mind.

Lots of love

in reply to Elvia33P

Thank you, lovely to hear you are awaiting your new arrival xx

Elvia33P profile image
Elvia33P in reply to

Well, we're not yet. We're just very happy that we are moving forward. Deciding on surrogacy was a giant step for us: we've tried naturally for years, I've been pregnant 5 times and still nothing. So knowing that a healthy woman will be bearing a child for us is a relief. Now, we've done everything we could. It is time to sit and wait for things to happen.


Emma04 profile image

Such a hard decision but I’d imagine a little relief mixed in too- you are a bit more in control again. I wish you all the very best with whatever comes next for you xxx

in reply to Emma04

Thank you , I do feel like a lot of weight has been lifted, which only makes me realise we are doing the right thing for us.

Good luck with your journey too xx

Kyell2 profile image

I can only echo what the other ladies have said about you being so brave to make this decision. I’m always going on about the importance of mental health and this journey has been the most challenging thing ever to mine. I’m sure you and your hubby have made the right decision for you both and putting yourselves first.

Sending lots of hugs your way xx

in reply to Kyell2

Thank you, my mental health has certainly took a beating over the years, I'm not sure id cope with another round to be honest.

Wishing you all the very best on your journey xx

AJJ123 profile image

I don’t blame you, it gets to a point where sometimes you need a break from the whole thing because it’s overwhelming.

I can entirely relate and I fully appreciate after going through the experience you need time to find yourselves again.

I’m sure half the problem in my case is setting myself up for disappointment but in this business who can blame me xx

in reply to AJJ123

I think setting our self's up for disappointment is just our way of coping so can totally see where you are coming from.

It definatly is overwhelming I'm sure I couldn't cope with another round.

Wishing you lots of look with your journey xx

Hollibob profile image

Good luck to you...go have some carefree fun x

in reply to Hollibob

Thank you 😊.

Good luck with your journey xx

Kempton profile image

Glad you came to a decision and sound positive about it, it can be so damaging to relationships. Wishing you and your hubby all the best.

in reply to Kempton

To be honest I was suprised that my husband felt the same way and was having doubts too, he's always said what ever I wanted but I never wanted to be the one to make the decision, so I'm glad we have come to same realisation.

Thank you xx

Lucylu_88 profile image

Just wanted to wish you all the very best. Must have been a really hard decision Take care of yourself xx

in reply to Lucylu_88

Thank you, it was but we know it's the right one for us right now xx

MrsR8 profile image

Wishing you all the best and I hope you enjoy spending time with your OH and reconnecting not having to think about all this other stuff ✨sending you lots of love xx

in reply to MrsR8

Thank you, will definatly be nice to just be us again.

Good luck with your journey xx

misswinky34 profile image

I understand. Lots of love to you 💕💕

in reply to misswinky34

Thank you xx

Mantaray75 profile image

Such a big decision. I understand wanting to get your life back. I never felt like me going through this whole process.

We took a year out between our last IVF and then our donor cycle in July which felt good.


in reply to Mantaray75

Maybe one day we will go back for treatment, they do say never say never but we will see.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy xx

This journey is so hard, physically and emotionally. It can also be a huge strain on our relationships. It is so hard to be able to think straight and feel that we are making the right decisions at the right times. Well done for being brave and taking back some control. I really hope that somehow one day you get your dream. In the meantime you can relax more about everything. Eat and drink what you like, see friends and not awkwardly turn down social invites, plan holidays to exotic places (actually, plan anything) - generally take your lives back.

Big hugs to you both. It really cannot have been an easy decision to make. Xxx

in reply to

Thank you, you are completely right about been able to plan anything, you just don't realise how much it takes over your life.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy xx

baby2016 profile image

Oh Cocker, what a brave and bold decision to make, however I completely understand your rationale behind it all and agree with you. Take the time out and you just never know what may happen. Would you consider speaking with the clinic I used in Greece as their main objective is to sort couples fertility issues before having to resort to ivf and in a lot of cases they have success with this and are far more successful at that type of treatment then clinics here.

Sending you a huge hug xxx

in reply to baby2016

Thank you will have a look.

It's hard a decision but we think the right one as we have both arrived at it the same time, there is nothing to say we can't go back on our decision but at the moment we are both content.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, I'm sure I will pop on here from time to time to see how people are getting on xx

Drives profile image

Sending big hugs. I can't imagine how tough that decision was to make. Wishing you all the best 😘 x x x

in reply to Drives

Thank you , good luck with your journey too xx

Novice_knitter profile image

Thank you for sharing this. I’m only having my second cycle now but am acutely aware that our outcome if things don’t work will be to make this tough decision at some point & claim our life back.

Do you have any plans in mind for the year ahead for yourselves, or are you taking things as they come?


in reply to Novice_knitter

Thank you, tough decision but my mental health has took a serious battering so we both know it's time.

We have a few holidays in this country planned and next year hubby wants to take me to new York for My 40th so plenty to look forward to.

Good luck with your journey xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Awwww hun huge hugs. I hope and pray for you that you get the family you so deserve hun. Please keep in touch and updated when things work out lots of love 😘😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you, I hope you and your little one are well.

Will definatly pop on from time to time to see updates, and use will be the first to know if we get our miracle xx

I think you’ve made a really brave decision & I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult that must’ve been for you. ☹️ So sorry for your miscarriage 💔

I really hope you get your miracle baby that you deserve 💗 it’s hopeful if you’ve managed to conceive naturally before 🌟 I’d love to see you come back one day & post a pregnancy update 💗

Wishing you the best for the future whatever that might hold 💗💗💗 xoxo

in reply to

Thank you jess, I think with is both been in the same mind set it's made it easier.

I'm sure I will pop on from time to time to see people's news ect.

Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well xx

Dunla profile image

Sending you very best wishes as you go forward. I identify completely with your post. I think we have also reached the same point as you and your husband. After seven years of trying and 5 rounds of IVF, I think we too want to try to find ourselves again. We’ve had lots of pregnancies in our extended family circle recently and two family members conceived through IVF which we found really hard. Couldn’t help feel sad that it didn’t work for us. Wishing you health and happiness xo

in reply to Dunla

Wishing the very best for you both as well, it's a hard decision but at the moment we still feel it's the right choice for us, we have had another natural pregnancy but again miscarried, seems so cruel when we have made a decision to move on and then snatch it away again.

I hope your decision brings you happiness xx

_MrsC profile image

It’s a hard decision to come to but 2 years down the line I can tell you I’m glad we stopped. It wasn’t easy but we did rediscover ourselves. I really hope you have the same experience. I won’t tell you that I don’t think about it all and feel sad because I do but the constant focus that was so draining is gone and for that I’m thankful. Sending you a big hug and best wishes. If you want to chat about anything, let me know. I’m happy to listen. xxx

in reply to _MrsC

Thank you so much , always nice to hear that we can survive once we've decided enough is enough, that's what I said to my husband I don't expect a magic wand every emotion to disappear but hopefully in time it gets better xx

_MrsC profile image
_MrsC in reply to

It does. It takes time for the medication to really truly wear off but once it has you will certainly notice a difference. Keep the faith that you’ve made the best decision for you at this time. That really helped me. I knew that if we kept pursuing it, my life as I knew it would fall apart. I didn’t want that to happen. It really just came down to that for me so the only way I could go was up from there. xxx

Scarlett13 profile image

You are very brave for making this decision and I hope that you can rediscover the you before all this ivf and baby epic torture!!!!! Fingers crossed it will still happen for you bit that you can find peace in all other areas of your life xxxx

in reply to Scarlett13

Thank you, good luck with your 2ww 🤞 you get your bfp xx

Elynn profile image

So special you are prioritising your relationship. So respect your decision. Wishing you all the best.

in reply to Elynn

Thank you , good luck with your journey xx

It’s a tough journey and a tough decision to come to. Sending you lots of love and my very best wishes to you. X

Thank you, best of luck with your journey xx

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