I've really struggled with believing that we are actually pregnant after getting our BFP just before Christmas. I've never been pregnant naturally and this is the first time after 2 failed fresh transfers that we got our BFP from a frozen transfer so I'll never know if this level of anxiety and fear would have overwhelmed me so much than if it was a natural BFP or even just the time it's taken to come this far
We have our viability scan with the IVF clinic next week but I was going crazy and my mind was going in all directions, hoping for the best that we have a healthy embryo while fearing the worst that I wouldn't make it to delivery and take home a healthy baby 💔 to put my mind at ease until we get to the next milestone we paid for a private scan to give me a bit of reassurance that there's definitely something there!
The scan showed that everything is on track and as it should be and feel like I can relax a little and start to enjoy this pregnancy and just take each day as it comes ❤️
I'm really sorry if this upsets everyone, especially those who have recently experienced loss whether that's been from miscarriage or unsuccessful IVF cycles, a loss is a loss. There was a time when I couldn't look at scan pictures, or baby announcements and unfriended people when I saw pregnancy announcements on my Facebook etc but on the days that I felt strong enough I read the posts that I avoided to protect my heart and it gave me hope that I would get to post a pregnancy announcement.
Thank you to everyone that has supported me on this forum, whether it's been commenting on my posts or private messages, it's what has kept me going and made this journey as bearable as it can be when I lost all hope and faith that this would work for us 🙏