Hello. I hope you don’t mind. I saw a few ladies post and really need your adice. Is it difficult to do surrogacy in the UK? . Did you do it in the Uk? If so, did you incur any issues? Legally would the baby still be ours? In terms of cost, what kind of cost are we looking at? We are really worried if we should go down the donor egg route or surrogacy. After 2 ivf 4 Iui and a further 2 ivf. I’ve only fallen pregnant once last year and that ended in a miscarriage at 8 weeeks. My eggs just don’t work the way the need too. Any help would be good.
Surrogacy or donor egg???? Advice ple... - Fertility Network UK
Surrogacy or donor egg???? Advice please

Unless you have a specific pr
Unless you have a specific problem maintaining a pregnancy it sounds like donor egg is more what you need rather than surrogacy. Surrogacy is a great way to overcome problems with your uterus but it sounds more like you may have problems with your eggs?
I was going to say the same as LizzieLizzieLizzie, I would look into donor eggs first before surrogacy xxx
Personally I would try with DE first before surrogacy if there is no medical issue that you cant carry a baby as it would still allow you to carry the baby and although I dont know for sure, I would imagine the waiting would be much less than surrogacy. Good luck.xx
I have to agree with the other ladies. Donor will still give u the chance of feeling your baby grow inside u and giving birth to him/her. so for sure try ED 1st. that's my next step as well. surrogacy should b last resort. 👍
I feel that was what gut was telling me about going to DE. But I think I just needed some advice
. As far as we are aware there no reason I cant carry a child. The only issue that seems to to come up is things seem to progress slowly inside me. For example my lining takes longer to thicken than everyone else. Or the progesterone takes longer to kick in. Xx
Ahh ok. I’m having a treatment aboard too x but will move to DE if this is what we decide.
So hard to know what the right decision is
We did donor embryos abroad. I think the child from uk donors would have the right to get their details once they turn 18 so there doesn’t tend to be many donors in the uk. We went to Spain for donor embryos which means all any of us will ever know is the ages and blood groups of the donors!
I do not want you to feel pressured but it seems that everyone has the same advice to share - go for DE. However,I know how sensitive this subjest is and to someone whose only option is to go for surrogacy (or after that for adoption if things do not work out), I know that it is extremely important to follow your guts. I would've gone for donor egg conception, just so I could satisfy my own wishes to bring the baby to this world myself. But I know that not everyone is that lucky. Thus I would like to just wish you good luck. I am 100% sure that you'll be able to overcome all of the struggles one way or another. We all just have to try our best even if it means we have to undertake the hardest route there is.
Btw I am opting for surrogacy, so if anything you cancertainly can pm me, I do not know everything but being in this boat for a long time I think that I can be of a support for someone who is going through similar hardships.
I've been through 5 m/c. And even though I was pushing myself forward to try one more time, I do not know how to feel about that honestly. I can't say that it was a good choice, as well as I can't say that I should've chosen surrogacy years ago. Perhaps, if I wasn't so stubborn, I'd still have a chance to use my own eggs, but I doubt it. I cannot agree with the person above. You should do what you think is best. Surrogacy may not be the best choice for you.. But for some people it is.
Wishing you all the best!