I was told to loose some weight to make BMI lower and I have done it’s now at 23 and still asking me to go lower , I thought as long as it was below 30 then everything will be fine how low do they want us to go ? Thanks
Confused BMI : I was told to loose some... - Fertility Network UK
Confused BMI
Between 18.5 and 24.9 is usually considered as healthy, however if you are black, Asian or another ethnic minority group then 23 and above is seen as increased risk of diabetes etc..is this maybe a reason for asking you to be under 23?
Who is asking you to go lower? Is there something in your funding guidelines? 23 ought to be fine x
That makes no sense. 25 and under is considered “normal” weight. I’d ask your clinic why they need you to go lower.
Hi Pinkpaw. I would have thought you were fine at 23. Have a look at fertilityfairness.co.uk click on your area which scrolls to bottom of screen. Click on it and scroll down to find your NHS authority ( like excel spreadsheet) and scroll across, where it will tell you what BMI to be. Good luck! Diane
They twice changed my BMi target when under assisted fertility. 28 and then 24
That's really weird! My BMI was at 27 for my NHS funded cycle, and they didn't even weigh me. Just eye balled it and said I looked in good shape! I really think 23 is absolutely fine. X
Thanks all I will ask when have my appointment on the 7th jan xx
Do you have a family history of diabetes or any other health conditions like Pcos ?
They may just be asking as a precaution - slightly lower the better.... But you also don't want it too low and I would say 23 is fine. Maybe closer to 21 might be ideal as you do often put on weight during IVF etc
Also it may depend on where the weigjt is. If it is concentrated around your abdomen even with normal BMI that will increase risk of problems.
My BMI increased from 27 to 30 this cycle and then dropped to 27 during the IVF treatment and we got pregnant (!) Sadly we miscarried after and my blood sugar's were high during use of steroids so I do think that was a factor
Other than that I wouldn't worry xx