So I’m currently 18 days since my transfer. Had a few niggles two days ago. This morning I was at work and went to the toilet to find light brown spotting on my pad. To say I was mortified is a understatement. I went to the early pregnancy unit. They done a urine sample to check I was still pregnant and to see if I had an infection. The preg test came back positive and I have no infection. They done a internal and my cervix is closed and there was no blood to see. I have a scan on Friday at 12 at the hospital. Honestly not felt like that in my life. I’ve been told to rest and take things easy. I literally thought my journey was over. I’m still not hopeful and petrified for Friday. My brains doing overtime. I literally don’t know what to do. Is everything ok? Am I still pregnant? Is it a good sign that my cervix is closed? I don’t want to google incase my fears are right. Am I over reacting. I’m shitting it. Someone please be honest and tell me if I’m over reacting or is this normal? Xxx
Spotting this morning. : So I’m... - Fertility Network UK
Spotting this morning.

It is a good sign that your cervix is still closed. Twinges and mild cramping is completely normal. Spotting is very common. Brown blood is old blood. If you’re still on pessaries they can cause spotting by irritating the cervix too. You’ve done the right thing in getting yourself checked out though. Hopefully you’ll get lots of reassurance after Friday. Unfortunately people don’t always realise just how hard the tww after the bfp is, the worrying never seems to stop xx
Hi TugsGirl thank you for you reassurance. I’m hoping that all is ok on Friday. I’m worried that something might be wrong. I’m not gonna lie xx
Tugsgirl is right it is completely normal to have twinges & pulling feelings- it is where baby is growing & the uterus is stretching. Spotting although terrifying is very common. I have had on/off spotting between 6-14 weeks. My midwife told me providing I’m not in pain & bleeding heavily spotting isn’t a concern ( personally I freaked out every time I saw it) The cervix being shut is a really good sign- nothing can go in or out & baby is safely tucked away. I’m 16 weeks pregnant & I still have my moments of anxiety & worry with this baby. Unfortunately I don’t think we ever stop worrying because of everything we’ve gone through to get here , although the scans & hearing baby’s heartbeat are reassuring & do help. I was so caught up in getting a BFP I didn’t consider what followed it. I think you were wise to get it checked over & I wish you the best for your scan on Friday and hope it gives you the reassurance you need 😘 xoxo

Hi Jess thank you also for you reassurance. I felt like a raving luney this morning. My female manager was so supportive. I couldn’t thank her enough. I’ve had a few niggles today but nothing to worry about. Plus no more bleeding since the spotting this morning. Friday can’t come any quicker xx
Oh hon, what a shame you're not able to enjoy this happy time more - but I think most of us are like that, to be honest. When it's been such a long and difficult journey you can't let go of the worry.
Sounds like everything is fine but I hope the scan reassures you xxx
p.s. definitely stay away from google!!!
Hi Saopaulo. Thank you for your reassurance. I almost feel like it’s wrong to try and enjoy the moment. It’s like I was starting to believe in being pregnant and this happened. So I’m going back to being apprehensive it’s safer in my head logically. I can’t bear to touch google on today’s situation. But I have googled if on my scan the baby will be visible and if I can hear its heart beat. Xxx
I had spotting throughout weeks 4-6 including a proper red bleed requiring a pad at week 5. I was in floods of tears and convinced it was over buy everything was fine at the 7 week scan. Bleeding seems to be very common in early pregnancy, it's so scary but it doesn't have to mean disaster. Hope your scan on Friday will reassure you xx