Myself and my partner have already had our first ivf cycle on nhs in August but unfortunately it didn’t work for us. 😞
We did realise the rules have changed massively in our area and we now only get 1 cycle funded on nhs.
I decided to dispute this with our local ccg and it’s been a hard 3 months but I had a good back up from my gp and my clinic consultant that they saw us as an exceptional and thought we should be funded.
The dreaded decision letter has arrived and they rejected us because they don’t see us as an exception. 😢
I don’t have Fallopian tubes, myself and my partners health is normal with BMI etc and our fertility has been classed as good and I produced enough eggs on retrieval and they don’t see why it wouldn’t work for us second time round we just don’t have the Fallopian tubes so we rely on ivf.
How can they not class that as an exception???
what is an exception!? 😭 my energy is drained.