Not 'allowed' to pay for add-ons! - Fertility Network UK

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Not 'allowed' to pay for add-ons!

21 Replies

As some of you know, we are about to embark on our one and only NHS-funded IVF cycle but we are having it done under the care of a private clinic.

I asked the clinic if we could pay for me to have an endometrial scratch and I've been informed that part of the criteria of receiving NHS funded treatment is that we are not able to pay for any additional treatments. I'm really confused by this. Has anyone else been told this? What's unclear is if this rule is set by the NHS or by the clinic. Either way, neither of them are out of pocket!

I would understand if they had simply said that it is not worth doing as implantation may not be an issue, but to tell us that we cannot pay for any additional treatments seems odd. Does that mean if we get, say, 5 embryos and number 4 doesn't stick, that we're not allowed to pay for further investigations as to why before using our final one?!

Any advice?

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21 Replies
oharal profile image

Hello, whilst I don't actually know the answer I am swaying more towards a clinic decision. I say this because we are NHS funded, also at a private clinic, and we are allowed "add ons". We may have to freeze my partners sperm and that isn't included in the funding but we can pay for it. Seems very odd that a private clinic wont accept you to have this xx

Cinderella5 profile image

WHAATTT?! How weird, is it maybe that they cant be seen to be profiting from NHS patients or something like that? Perhaps you could look at a different clinic to getting a scratch done seeing as you were paying for it anyway. They would never know any different anyway!!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

That's a good point. Weird how it differs so much though xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

I think there must be some kind of rule that they cant be seen to "sell add ons" in case they're seen to be taking advantage of you. Thats the only thing i can think of anyway.

Well of it was me and I wanted something I'd just go off elsewhere....i don't do well with giving up on things!! Ha ha ha 😂😂xx

E_05 profile image

This seems really strange, we’re NHS funded but have paid twice for endo scratches x

I have also been told by my clinic that our nhs funding means we can’t pay for add ons. I wonder how others manage to allow it... maybe they register you as a private patient as well or something.

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

I also wonder if it depends where your funding is coming from that you would it wouldn’t be allowed.

in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Yeah I thought it must be part of the 'postcode lottery'. Have you required any add ons? I am just worried it means that we won't be able to have further investigations should things not go to plan.

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to

This is so ridiculous, I don’t understand why this would be a problem?!?? The only thing I would wonder is because it isn’t fully proven to help, like NK testing etc. I would have hoped if more investigations are needed they would cover those. Might be worth emailing the clinic with your concerns and ask them why this is a problem, and how you can overcome it? Sorry I can’t be more help xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to

Further investigations should not count as “add ons”.

hey, that seems really unfair. I wonder if you could pay to have the procedure done at another clinic? Would that be allowable? I had it done yesterday but as part of a research study. x

Elizabeth86 profile image

Hello, a bit different but I’m NHS and we paid for add ons? We had embryo glue and the embryoscope xx

That's very strange I am nhs funded and have paid privately this cycle for a scratch and a different incubator xx

Hannah143 profile image

Strange, most clinics jump at the chance to make money.

You could go and use another clinic for your scratch, pay privately to get it done elsewhere?

May be as it’s your first time they don’t normally do the add-ons for first round as they want to see if it will work without all the extras.


Marta37 profile image

I was told the same by my Clinic

Choctastic profile image

Hiya. We were the same, NHS patient at a private clinic, also told we couldn't pay for add ons. However they did recommend other clinics we could have the extra tests/treatments at. For our previous round we paid extra for the endo scratch at another clinic. I was worried it would be a nightmare to work out timings wise but it wasnt, was easy. Ask if your clinic recommend other places you can go for what you want, otherwise just have a look around yourself.

Hope this helps and good luck.

in reply to Choctastic

I am worried about timing as I should start down reg. around 18th March but I'm on holiday from 2nd - 10th. If I find a clinic soon hopefully it'll all work out.

Thanks x

Lynnr54 profile image

How strange! Seems that different clinics all have different rules. Maybe it’s something to do with the CCG your clinic gets funding from rather than a blanket NHS policy or your clinic itself. My clinic is an NHS clinic with private practice attached and they do add-one. There is a huge stand in the waiting area advertising embryoglue and you can also pay for an embryoscope. I think investigations should also be different to the treatment itself. I agree with the others though, if you really want it then find another clinic who will do it for you.

Kepn17 profile image

Hi, I am aware that you can go to another clinic and pay for a scratch- should be around £160 then just let your nhs clinic know. Maybe double check with them first.

I am having nhs funded ivf and went to a private clinic for advice (which I paid for) and they said many people do this (pay for add ons with private clinic)

Katie :)

Thanks for your replies everyone. It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one in this boat, but it does seem silly that some of us can't pay for stuff ourselves. I'm going to call my local Nuffield hospital today to see if they can help. I could wait to see what happens but obviously I have no idea how this is going to go so could end up with only 1 embie and wouldn't want to waste it. When I call the clinic next week I will ask them about further testing should it appear something is wrong, I would be surprised it they let you keep going knowing there could be an underlying issue. Thanks again xx

Tugsgirl profile image

That is strange. We had no problem paying for add ons on our fresh or frozen funded cycles. I would definitely look into this further if I were you xx

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