Hi, my hubby has an operation on 18th December to have a sperm retrieval procedure. I was wondering if anyone has had this and how long it would take from that procedure to start IVF?? Trying to keep positive thoughts that they are going to find something x
Does anyone know how long?? - Fertility Network UK
Does anyone know how long??
Hi Bec,
Are you entitled to NHS funding for IVF? If so, has your GP started the referral process? This can take a little time, but once we were with our clinic we had our first appointment in the September and started injecting in December.
We were referred to a specialist by our GP in the January, I think. Our referral did go a bit wrong, so this added a bit of unnecessary time to our treatment.
Hope that helps and good luck to your hubby for the op x
Yeah we have been given NHS funding for IVF, been under the hospital for about 3 years as had to have tests then I’ve had to loose nearly 3 stone to get this far. Thank you x
We were able to start right away, however we are self funded. The way I understand it is as long as all is well with the sperm retrieval then you are good to go. xx
Thank you x
Hi bec90. If all goes well with the sperm retrieval and the sperm is stored frozen, you should be good to start your prescribed medication as soon as you let them know when you have your next period. Hopefully, they won't keep you waiting. Good luck! Diane
Hi Bec,
I came across a short video that explains the process. It's filmed by Dr Suks Minhas who specialises in sperm retrieval techniques:
I hope that this helps put you and your husband at ease.