Hey guys so had my final scan yesterday, said my lining perfect ( nvr give me figures) and I have 9 follicles at the right size and 3 smaller which hope might catch up. I heard her calling out sizes i think there was about 4 at 18 2 at 17 couple 16 and 15... and few at 13.... none higher than 18 tho. She didn't check my estrogen as the results wouldn't b back until today and I was triggering last night but on wed they were 2367 so I hope have increased since that. I don't feel at all bloated which is stressing me out as im scared all the follicles will b empty. Dont think I ever was as stressed my previous 2 cycles. What does those sizes sound like? If they aren't good tell me so I can prepare for tomorrow.
EC Tomorrow, 3rd time lucky - Fertility Network UK
EC Tomorrow, 3rd time lucky

The sizes all sound good, once you have two or more at 18mm they decide on collection dates. Your smaller ones will still have a little time to catch up as they will all continue to grow and mature! I think this whole process gets more stressful the more we do it......we unfortunately are more aware of all the things that can go wrong or at least that's how it felt for me! Wishing you luck!xx
Thank u, so do u think the ones at 16 and 17 are still too small for eggs and it just the 18 ones that may contain one?
I see agree and because of my age I don't really feel i can take a break..how are u doing?
No the 16 and 17 all sound pretty good too....the smaller ones I meant back at the 13mm should hopefully be able to catch up....as I said they will continue to grow up until collection! Unfortunately as you know, not all follicles contain eggs but mine did so there's defo hope if there is a follcile!! Im doing ok thanks, having mock transfer on Thursday in prep for my next cycle so things are moving along!xx
I can’t advise on IVF but wanted to wish you the best & hope it’s successful ❤️ xoxo

Thank u xx
Hello! Just to say my clinic always said anything after 14mm is good, so you have lots of good sizes, like Cinderella said, the others have a bit more time to catch up! Depending on the type of drugs I was on really depended on the bloating, I remember my first round I could barely walk!! But my others weren’t half as bad. Wishing you lots of luck xxxx
Best of luck for your EC! If they weren’t big enough they wouldn’t have triggered you surely? Hang on in there x x x
Well I'm thinking that but I c a different consultant each time, just whoever is working, I have seen my consultant once and he said oh I'm sure we have met before. Because my estrogen levels nvr really matched what the scan showed before I get bloods taken every scan and I have to tell them this each time as it's always diff ppl. So thats why I'm more concerned as yesterday she didn't take bloods and just was confident the scan was enough, which obv she knows more than me so fingers crossed.
Sizes sound great. Wishing you all the best with this next step xx