Any advice for NK cells: Have any of... - Fertility Network UK

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Any advice for NK cells

Aleelilook profile image
13 Replies

Have any of you lovelies taken any natural remedies for toxic NK cells? I have not many NK cells, and the ones I have are really toxic 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ just wondered if there was anything I could do to help the cause?! Xxx

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13 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

My clinic recommended fish oil concentrate 1000mg daily for 45 days prior to transfer. Who knows if it works but maybe worth a shout!xx

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to Cinderella5

Ah thank you! Doesn’t fish oil just sound grim?!!! Ok I can definitely do that! Have you given anything up? I have a good diet, and cook everything fresh, but I really enjoy having wine with friends!! How are you lovely? Xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Aleelilook

Ha ha ha yes it does and it has a bit of a fishy like smell too but just get them over the hatch, its not as bad as it sounds! I have a good diet too, cook from scratch as well - could do with being a bit thinner but hey. To be honest I dont think a few glasses of wine does any harm and this crappy enough without taking away the nice things in life! I didnt get advised to change anything by our clinic apart from to add this in and a few other supplements but these were the only ones for the fish oil, intralipids and Ive asked to try steriods this cycle and no down regulation. Im doing ok, just waiting to ovulate this month so I can plan for a mock transfer. This is really just to test my theory that its the drugs causing my cervical issues as Im not on any at the moment.....will see what happens. If all ok I can book transfer, if not will have to see about a cervical dilation. Apart from that cant complain really!xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Aleelilook

Oh meant to say my clinic also said that whilst taking steriods that sugar and salt must be minimal!xz

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Cinderella5

Did you continue with fish oil after transfer or did they tell you to stop? I’m just curious. I hope we will get to transfer in the next few days and I’m wondering what supplements I should continue taking xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Kari55

They suggested up until 12 wks of pregnancy if successful. Fingers crossed for you!xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Cinderella5

Oh that’s good news, thank you! xx

Qwerty2018 profile image

Hi Aleelilook, so sorry to hear you’re having problems 😔 I’ve got immune issues but I’ve never heard of having ‘toxic’ NK killer cells. Did they give you any more info, as not sure toxic is very specific when it comes to immune system stuff. For example did they tell you about your count of NKT cells versus just NK cells (they’re slightly different & work in a different way).

Not sure if this is relevant but I’ve been having a course of Intralipids (this round starting 2month prior) as I have a high number of NK cells. I’ve also seen a nutritionist who has given me a detox diet of no alcohol, sugar, caffeine, processed carbohydrates or dairy. Just started this a month prior to my next IVF cycle, not sure if this will have any effect but it definitely won’t hurt. She’s also given me a vitamin regime and amazing recipes, which make such a strict diet a little bit easier.?If you’d like her details let me know.

Really really hope things work out for you, keep us posted xxxx

Aleelilook profile image

Well I had a biopsy and the results came back that I didn’t have enough NK cells, and the ones I do have are toxic which means they attack the embryo, which they said is quite unusual🤦🏼‍♀️ there was lots of information to take in, but that’s the laymen’s version I suppose!! I will definitely ask about the intralipids, as right now they just want to do the scratch, hcg injections, steroids, lower dosage of progynova and higher dosage of progesterone!!

I’m not sure I can do a strict diet though and cut everything out! I did it before when I was stimming, but I am using donor eggs now, and the thought of depriving myself of anything right now makes me want to cry!!😂😂 vitamins on the other hand I can do! Thank you for the advice, good luck for your next round! Xxx

With my nk cells slightly raised I take prednisone during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. He wouldn’t issue them ttc only pregnant. I’m not sure about natural solutions but had heard fish oil was good?

I haven’t suffered any ill health affects from the prednisone.

I took evening primrose oil to help my lining & discharge (tmi sorry ) the big O , kept to my anti inflammatory diet ( to ease my endo which had been treated) ate lots of pineapple 🍍 and took a simple Superdrug fertility/pregnancy supplement & it did the trick!

I agree depriving yourself is miserable & creates more stress which I think is much worse. I believe everything is okay in moderation. I even had a glass of wine during the 2ww to relax!

Good luck really hope this has a happy outcome for you ✨🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to

Thank you! I’ve taken the predisinole before but we didn’t get to transfer that round, but I don’t remember them being awful, it’s the progynova that always sends me mad! I hope you’re doing ok? Xx

Nix44 profile image

Hi Aleelilook. I have also been to the endocrinologist who said that my ‘bad’ NK cells were too many and my ‘good’ NK cells too few. The good cells protect the embryo, the bad ones want to kick it out as it sees it as foreign (hubby’s DNA). He said a lot of this abnormal ratio has to do with diet (although obviously not all). I have to cut out all sugar, most dairy (esp whole milk products) and almost all gluten. Those things causes inflammation in your body. Inflammation = more of the ‘bad’ Nk cells, less of the good. He has also put me on daily hydrocortisone to reduce inflammation. I’ve done a fair bit of reading up, and everything he said made a lot of sense. He said diet change alone will not be enough, I need to cortisone to reduce the inflammation. If we get pregnant I then have to slowly wean off it, but diet has to stay the same.

Good luck


Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to Nix44

Ah ok thank you so much, so looks like diet may have to be a way forward 🤦🏼‍♀️ all good things to know and ask about, I just wish it could be easy!!!! Xxx

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