Hi just wanted to know if anyone can help me, we have just had our group session in Shrewsbury hospital and was told when our next appointment is to sign consent forms. Does anyone know when our treatment cycle is likely to start? Is it soon after consent signing?
Ivf Shrewsbury : Hi just wanted to know... - Fertility Network UK
Ivf Shrewsbury

I think it depends on your hospital. I’m not at Shrewsbury but for me it was my next cycle after the consent forms were signed. Good luck with your cycle.
Hi there, I received treatment at Shrewsbury. We started our treatment the following month after signing the paperwork, however this isn’t always the case.
You could always give them a ring to find out a appropriate date 💕 xx
Thanks for your reply. I will be ringing tomorrow to see if we can find out any information. Just frustrating not knowing. Xx
Hi, I am in Shrewsbury too, We signed the papers yesterday. and it will start in the middle of December. I am scared off egg collection. Was your egg collection painful there?
Morning, aww... don’t be scared of egg collection. I’ve had ec twice there now and both times I haven’t felt a thing... just had a nice sleep 💤. The most painful thing for me was the nurse trying to put the cannula in. You’ve got this 💕 xx
Hi. Thanks your reply. But nurse said every women have different reaction. Some awake and talk. So I do not know how I will react. Cannot they do uncouncios sedation? I have nightmares. Cannot sleep. It is no good if I am going to feel like that. I am literally thinking to cancel it. Also how many egg did they collect?