Hi, I have been on the waiting list for IVF and now received an appointment for doctor screening and Semen Analysis for end of Jan. How long after that those the treatment start. Also got sent all kind of consent forms to fill. How much longer until the treatment starts? Anyone pls help
Ivf: Hi, I have been on the waiting... - Fertility Network UK
We had tests in April 18, appointment to discuss the tests outcome in June.
Mid July we had our nurse consultation where you go through all the consent forms to sign ( they have to be filled in and sent back to them before you arrive for that appointment) this one is to also discuss your cycle protocol and dates to potentially start which is based to suit you and order medication.
We started that cycle beginning of August. It was a lengthy process but that was also under the nhs. If you were to go privately you might speed through the process a lot quicker. which we seemed to have been the case for us this cycle going privately.
Hope this helps.
I think it depends a lot on where you live. Im in N.Ireland, we had first screening and semen analysis done in November 2016, we are still waiting and have been told it will be approx. another 12months until were offered a place to start our cycle.
We have decided to go private, first contacted the private clinic in November and have an appt tomorrow to agree dates to start our cycle either in Jan or Feb x
Oh a private clinic is always faster even if the NHS ones keep up to the 3-6 weeks timeline that they mention. But then this is a terrible late... well not that I've not heard this from other women but the numbers are only handful in thousands. Also, they didn't have the SA and others tests but just the first screening and discussion and it went from there to wait it out.
I don't have a real time experience but I'm also in line for the IVF process. They told me that after the signing depending on the waiting list it takes from 3-6 weeks for the process to begin. But women I've talked to said it could even start by 2 weeks down the line. Well, I don't wanna mention the maximum time possible.... because if that happens it's gonna be awful. Coordinating with my clinic for my tests and the signing... probably they'll give me a date by the end of January or Feb beginning. I'll look forward to know from you when they finally started the process after the signing. So please keep me updated. We're on the same boat so I hope it end up being successful by the end of this process. Good Luck!
We had our second consultation on the same day as analysis and started on next period cycle x
Thanks everyone for your reply, really appreciated. I will keep you up to date. This is such a long process
Just a quick update. Went for doctors screening yesterday and next week for semen Analysis and more discussion. So this is what happend at the screening- wheight checked, smoking test with a nurse then taken to the doctors office- explained about what IVF is and the risks, forms signed, then back to nurse for blood test. So next week getting the result for that. And I was told I am booked for the March circle, will discuss more about that next week.... nurses and doctor were absolutely lovely.
Hi Raoo, you can have a quick look at my profile & that’ll tell you my journey. We are all so unique & we are all on different IVF journeys. Honey, it really is a waiting game & it you have to take one step at a time. It really depends on what investigation they need to do. For me it was relatively quick, probably because of my age. Within 5 months of our 1st appointment, I started my first IVF injection. Listen to the experts, ask loads of questions and get your body in the best shape both mentally & physically for the journey. I’m always on here so please reach out and if I can help I will Xx
This is a great website theduff.co.uk/contact/
And there are a few books/audio books you can look at ‘it starts with an egg’ and Zita West has a few books you can look at Xx