So I caved and tested yesterday. I cried all day long, not so much at the BFN as I think that I knew it was going that way but more at the thought of having to do this all again, we didn't get anything to freeze so it's starting from scratch. To all the 'veterans' out there-how do you do it? I haven't felt like myself in months. Also, my OH wants to wait until our OTD which is Thursday before we face defeat, is there any point? The chances of getting a BFP are highly unlikely now right? x
BFN at 9dp3dt: So I caved and tested... - Fertility Network UK
BFN at 9dp3dt
You’ve tested really early. My clinic gets us to test at 13dp5dt which is much later, and my friends second line was still faint then so they made her test again on 14dp5dt. Her baby was born in July. So I think your husband is right, you should keep taking any medication until your otd.
I won't stop with the meds until we're confirmed as out. I am on steroids anyway so need to wean off them. Maybe I did test too early but I think I would have had even a squinter of a line by now. x

If it was a natural conception you would only be twelve days past ovulation so not even due your period yet. It would be quite normal not to have a visible line yet. I know you want to prepare yourself for a BFN and it’s all so so hard, but if you’re not bleeding and it’s not your OTD then you just don’t know yet.
My period is due on Wednesday and I usually spot for a day or two beforehand but I just feel like all the progesterone is keeping the bleeding at bay. Maybe I have tested too soon but you're right, I feel like I need to prepare myself for BFN so that I am not devastated when it is confirmed. x

You never know hun its still early on a 3dt. I bled the day after my OTD right on time when it should have arrived. The test might change in a couple days I got everything crossed for you!! 🤞🤞🤞xxx
Oh hun BFN suck!! I been there..,after a mammoth egg collection...15 eggs! We had 11 fertilize and only 1 decent one to transfer no frosties! It's just devastating isn't it. It's hard but Here I am into my second round 5 months later. Here in NZ we get tested at 9dp5dt with a blood test. By day 7 and 8 my hpt was negative and I just knew I was out. saying that... lots of people have said they didnt see lines till day 11 + so you still might be in hun your not out until OTD! Xxx
Yeah I just know I am out as well. I only tested early because our working week in Qatar is Sunday - Thursday so yesterday was my last chance to mope and deal with the result at home for the day. I think I will need to take a break for a while as well before next round, I feel far too fragile to go again this year. God the whole thing is just so SHIT! xx

Oh i know hun i was soooo devastated cried for days, and thought no way can i do this again. No way. Yet a couple weeks later I was like no..i have 1 more funded round next I can do this i have to try! I don't know where I found the courage but I did and here I am. You will too...but hun do not count yourself out I only just seen it was 3dt it def could be early! Retest in a couple days and keep on your meds etc. It's not over yet sweetie!! Hope is all we have in this crazy game do not let go of it just yet! 😘😘💕💞💖
Thanks hun, I am devastated and want it all to be over now. Today is my first day back at work in two weeks and I am doing my utmost not to shut the door and cry in my office. Hoping it provides a much-needed distraction. I don't think I will test now until OTD on Thursday. I guess I will find the courage too, I just think it will take a while x

Hang in there sweets and yes try and lay off the HPT's until OTD they really do more harm than good, I wish I had never tested because I kept buying more and spent so much money trying to get a line and drove myself insane. Not too far till Thursday I hope it goes by quickly for you so you can get a definite answer...and still crossing my fingers for a BFP🤞🤞🤞 xx
Thanks lovely, hope your stims are going ok x

Yeah ok I guess...not as many follies as my first round but trying to stay positive xx let's both try and stay positive ok 😘xxx
Hi hun how did you ivf go on the second round
Hey hun. Fresh transfer was a BFN but had a frostie so did FET and it was a bfp...but I sadly miscarried a couple days before my 12week scan 💔😓 BUT I'm currently looking at my just turned 1 year old beautiful boy who is sleeping peacefully in his cot 🥰 a year after my miscarriage and with my new partner of only about 4 months...I fell pregnant...naturally!!! He really is a DONT GIVE UP! I had.... I still pinch myself. I hope you are well and doing OK wherever you are on your ivf journey xx
I think you have have tested too early. If you can try not to yet until otd. Xx
I tested early and cried as mine turned out to be a bfn but I retested on otd and got a bfp (turned to a cp but currently 20 weeks preg with fet ) but I would listen to your husband 😊 fingers crossed for your bfp on Thursday xx
I would love to hope this can happen me but I just can't let myself go there. Will park the tears and devastation and just focus on a busy week without POAS! x
My friend POAs on blood test day during IVF, (9dp 5dt) high blood work but nowt on the pregnancy test! 🤞 you’re not out yet x
Oh wow I have never heard of that happening! I'm not sure I can dare to hope anymore though. x

It’s the not knowing that drives us mad.....if you’d had a positive, you’d know it was a positive, but a negative could mean anything at this stage. Hang in there! Easier said than done I know x
Hi there, I’ve been where you are and have driven myself crazy! You’re defo not out yet, as you’ve tested 4 days early. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you for Thursday 💕 xx
I just want it all to be over at this point. Thanks for the pep talk x
Hang on in there! It's a total head wreck this wait. If it sadly doesn't work then you have to both give yourselves time and then it will be clear as to when or if you can try again. One step at a time though and hoping you have a positive outcome x
Total head wreck but I am dealing with it a little better today. In hindsight I should have gone back to work before now as it's been quite nice to think about something else for most of the day. Thank you x
Our test day is 11 days past transfer so maybe you are still in with a chance.. If, unfortunately, you do go on to test with a bfn then at least you will probably be better prepared for it. I had a negative at 10dp 5dt and I knew it wouldn’t be a positive the next day. It was my 5th transfer and oddly, the one I’ve been most accepting of. There were only a few tears. I’ve been quite calm about it all this time. As for the how, you just do. You pick yourself up, which can take a little time, and you start all over again. That’s what you will do. You will find the strength when you want something bad enough. Good luck xx
Wow you're one strong woman, I am in awe of you lovely. I know I will go again, and I know will keep going until I am empty but days like yesterday leave you feeling that little bit more broken. Anyway I'm now thinking if it stays a BFN I have used up my tears and if anything else happens I'll cry a different type of tear. xxx

That’s the spirit 💪🏻 xx