I’m on day 7 after me FET transfer and to day I’ve woken up and it all feels very different. My cramps have gone, I’m no longer bloated, I don’t have a full feeling anymore.also inside I was quite swollen and my cervix was quite large, that’s all gone back to normal as well, I just feel normal 😔. This is my first transfer so I have nothing to compare it to, it just feels like it’s over. This waiting game is torture.
I feel like it’s failed: I’m on day... - Fertility Network UK
I feel like it’s failed
Try not to over think how u are feeling I know it’s hard.
U want to know exactly what every little twinge or symptom means but I have seen people on here have no symptoms at all and get BFP.
Try to relax, go for a walk, read a book etc and keep your mind busy.
Good luck xx
Uuurgghh its so horrible being in the 2ww and wondering, analysing everything. I have to say that all of my transfers have been slightly different so symptoms or lack of symptoms dont mean anything! Hang on in there, not too long to go now! Good luck!xx
The tww is sent from hell im sure. It’s normal to start off hopeful and then get more and more negative as the days go on. Good luck for otd xx
Don't give up yet! You have every chance. I'm also in 2WW and I test tomorrow.
This is like torture but you will get through it. xx
Yes exactly what tugsgirl said what your feeling is perfectly normal! 2ww really is a head f$#%! All the best for test day xx
Honestly try not to worry, I thought I had every symptom going last cycle, really thought we was going to get a BFP and we ended up with a BFN so maybe no symptoms is a good thing?? Will be thinking of you. 💕x