Hi I recently found out I have a fibroid and heart shaped womb does anyone else have these ? Have been trying to conceive for over a year
Heart shaped womb: Hi I recently found... - Fertility Network UK
Heart shaped womb

I have a heart shaped uterus. However, I have been told by at least four different consultants that it has no influence on conceiving and no effect on implantation nor pregnancy. They also told me is very common (I think it was 14% of the population, but not sure now).
No experience of fibroids.
Oh that’s great I have been so worried I have an appt with a consultant in couple of wks I had a misscarriage last year so was worried it caused it did you have to have treatment ?
Hello I don't have the heart shaped uterus but I do have fibroids. One they removed during a hysteroscopy as it was blocking one of my tubes and 3 more small ones that are subserosal and are not causing any problems so have been left alone, all the very best to you! X
Ahh bless u do u get bad periods wirh them? My fibroid is ok the outside of the lining xx
Fortunately they have never affected my periods, didn't even realise I had them until I had my first scan. Your fibroid sounds like mine, located on the outside which doesn't cause a problem x
Oh that’s good to know thank you how long have you been trying x
We've been having our treatment at a clinic in Poland since December. After our first transfer we had a bfn and in July I had a chemical pregnancy. Looks like we have alloimmune issues which are currently being dealt with by an immunologist but we are hoping to go for our third transfer next month. How has your journey been? X
Ahh my fingers are crossed for you it’s all so stressful and never ending isn’t it ! I had a misscarriage a year ago then only found out few wks ago when I had a scan that I had these problems it has made me feel so alone and depressed and hate my body never thought be in this situation how are you feeling ? Xx
Hi I have heart shaped uterus and caused me to loose my little girl at 23 weeks. So I had surgery to reduce the septum (but in middle) but I believe most can carry and get pregnant normally xxx