Does anyone have any experience of a heart shaped uterus? I had a baseline scan for cycle 2 this week and the sonographer said she could see a very slight heart shape but that we’d be ok to start cycle 2. The nurse then called a couple of days later and said the doctors wanted to do a 3D ultrasound to check it as it can’t really be seen very well on an internal ultrasound (the baseline scan). I have to wait 4 weeks for the appointment and I’m a bit gutted as I was ready to start cycle 2 after our failed cycle in June. Any help would be appreciated, feeling a bit low at the minute x
Heart shaped uterus ❣ : Does anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Heart shaped uterus ❣

I've not got this myself but my friend who's done one cycle of IVF has a heart shape uterus and she also had a 3d scan. All was fine and consultant couldn't see it causing any issues at all.
I can understand you feeling low when you just want to get going with treatment.
Hoping all is well with your scan in a few weeks, I'm sure you'll be fine. Xx
Hi lovely, they thought I had a heart shape uterus (bicornuate) but I only have half (unicornuate). We fell pregnant naturally last November but unfortunately miscarried and am currently 19 weeks pregnant from our first fresh cycle of ivf. They diagnosed me with an MRI. It does happen lovely, keep positive if you can, feel free to message if you want to, it’s quite unique xx
I have a hearth shaped uterus. However, I have been told by at least four different consultants that it has no influence on conceiving and no effect on implantation nor pregnancy. They also told me is very common (I think it was 14% of population, but not sure now)
Thank you 🙏 for your helpful posts x
Hi. I had this. They originally thought it was bicornate but aftet further scans showed it to be arcurate. Like pp this is more common than you think as doesn't seem to have any negative effects. We did have recurrent miscarriage but this wasn't linked to womb shape and we know have a beautiful little boy so please don't panic too much (easy for me to say!!) As it will hopefully have no negative impact. X
My sister has this but has two beautiful boys. One was born 4 weeks early and the other maybe 8 weeks but they’re 4 and 6 now and thriving! Best of luck to you xx
No but my wife had a perfect heart shaped follicle just before egg collection . We had 3 cycles with nothing to freeze out of any cycle 🤔. Changed hospital and got 8 to freeze straight away .. got our daughter in July