So my clinic advised planning a natural FET, I had a scan day 14 and had no dominant follicle so I cancelled that cycle, and now on cycle day 36 with no sign of my period. So whenever my period comes next(if it ever comes lol) should I continue with the plan of a natural cycle or should I just request a medicated cycle, my egg collection and freeze all cycle was in beginning of July, and I feel like I'm next going to get to a damn transfer lol
Advice needed regarding FET - Fertility Network UK
Advice needed regarding FET
If you can try again with a natural cycle, I was really against it when my consultant first suggested it but now I’m so glad I went ahead, it was so much less stress on my body and like you I had a few bumps in the journey before transfer went ahead but I got my BFP last week the first time from a frozen transfer xx
Awww congratulations ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ i really wanted to do a natural cycle, but I'm thinking maybe my body will take a long time to get back to normal and I'm really stressing out about it all. May I ask what happened before getting your bfp? Xxxx
Thank you yeah course, I was originally going to have transfer in March then they found free fluid so had to a hysteroscopy to remove a polyp. Then went to start again and the fluid hadn’t gone, then the month I actually had transfer they were still unsure about the fluid but luckily it went. Even with me having the extra scans, I can’t believe how quickly transfer happened. I was scanned on day 8 then started tracking ovulation on day 10, then had to ring them when I got my LH surge and booked in transfer xx
Omg march! You must have been so frustrated! I was meant to do the natural cycle last month but never got my LH surge, tested right through to CD21 😪😪😪
Yeah I definitely was but shows it’s been worth it in the end. Have you asked them to track you through ovulation? I had a cycle that I did ovulate but an OPK never picked up the surge x
It was my second cycle after egg collection so first planned FET, I always ovulated before and got my LH surge and period was like clockwork. They scanned me on CD 14 and there was no dominant follicle so wasn't even near ovulating then xx
Not got any advice but just wanted to say good luck with your decision x
Thank you, if I don't get my period by day 40 I'll call up clinic to be checked I guess
Hi Lian89. Obviously you are best guided by your specialist, but I'm thinking that your body is needing a little helping hand?? Hope all goes well with whatever you decide next time. Diane
Yeh I have this feeling too! My periods were really regular and always had an LH surge, didn't this last month, Ill wait a few days then give clinic a call xxxxx
Hey hon
I did my fresh transfer in July last year which resulted on a BFN in Aug 17. I went on to do my 1st FET in October 17. This was supposed to be a natural FET. My body had been running like clockwork prior to the Ivf. However the FET was changed to a medicated half way through as my body wasn't responding. I had a hatching blastocyst transferred but it resulted in a BFN in Nov. I then decided to give my body a break I left it over Christmas and returned in March 18 to start another FET. This time things seemed so much straightforward my body had had a break and worked as it should have. The FET process was natural. It was so much less intrusive. Anyway I'm now 25weeks pregnant. If I had the choice again I would have cancelled my medicated FET. This is just my personal experience. I have heard of medicated FET's being successful. I hope it all goes well for you xx
Thanks for replying!! Did the same happen to you then you didn't ovulate so they changed it to a medicated one? That's what I was thinking of doing waiting a few months but I'm feeling really impatient now lol
Hi hun
Sorry it's taken me a little while to reply. I was changed from a natural to a medicated as I didn't ovulate. Everyone is entirely different but if I could change things I would do. As I'd not experienced any problems with ovulation before I wish I had seen it as a sign my body needed a break. It may still not have worked though. Good luck hun xx