After a tough few weeks now looking t... - Fertility Network UK

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After a tough few weeks now looking to the next round

23 Replies

Hi ladies,

Thankyou so much for your support over the last few weeks, ive got to say it's been the hardest thing I've ever dealt with and the only way I can deal with this rollercoaster is to move forwards and I have now booked to go back to the Czech Republic on the 7th Dec. I did wander if it was too soon as I am still get over my loss but I feel it will give me strength to carry on. I had my 41st Birthday a couple of weeks ago which also prompted me!

I started back at the gym yesterday and purchased a juicer to make sure I'm getting lots and lots of nutrients and I've also resisted the urge to hit the g&t so although it maybe soon to be thinking of trying again so soon it's given me hope again.

It would be good to hear positive stories from ladies that have been successful second time after a miscarriage with DE FET xx

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23 Replies
Mantaray75 profile image

I've always found the rollercoaster one of the worst things. Its exhausting.

Been thinking of you lots. I wouldn't worry that it is too soon to plan the next round. Everyone is different and sometimes its helps to just get on with it and feel that you are doing something. I have always been like that.


in reply to Mantaray75

Thankyou Mantaray,it is so hard exhausting,both physically and emotionally. The hardest part was the weeks of being in limbo which you know all too well!

Sorry I haven't been in touch, I'm just catching up on posts. How is everything with you now after your scare? X

Mantaray75 profile image
Mantaray75 in reply to

I'm doing ok thanks. Feel like utter crap and still completely mental. Still feel that I'm in a waiting game and can't accept that it may all be ok. It is such a shame that in this whole process, even when you get pregnant you can't enjoy it.

I am still grateful though. It could have turned out so differently at our scan.


in reply to Mantaray75

I think it's only natural to feel anxious after everything you've been through. Fingers crossed that after your next scan you will be able to start enjoying your pregnancy x

TRYING2016 profile image

Im sorry to hear about your loss I understand its a bag of emotions and all you can think is how do i carry on? You have good and bad days, but you will know when your ready. With all the support from family and friends and us you will have the courage to keep going, well done for booking your flight and well done for getting your health back on track. We have to keep going because we know what we want and nothing will stop us from keep on going. Lots of love ❤️

in reply to TRYING2016

Thankyou it has made me feel stronger and able to pick myself up but I'm feel anxious too, the first time round with DE I was so excited but now I feel like I don't want to get my hopes up although I have to take the positive because I did get a BFP.

I'm so sorry to read that you have also been going through a really worrying time, how are you doing? Xx

TRYING2016 profile image
TRYING2016 in reply to

Im really down at the moment and i was just like you, i got my hopes up so high i didn’t think anything could go wrong but it happens and we need to pick up ourselves. I understand how you feel xx

So pleased for you Clairenix, and well done for being so strong. I find that having my next plan really helps. I am back in October so hope to tell you then about my success after miscarriage.

Good luck xxx

in reply to

Thankyou Camillage, I have had days where I have completely crumbled.

I'm really shocked about how many ladies have been through the same thing, I'm not sure whether there is more of a risk if it's IVF or if it's the same statistics for natural pregnancies?

I really do have everything crossed for you hun for Oct, how are you feeling? Xxx

in reply to

I am not sure if more do or if we just know about it more. Although I don't see how anyone who hadn't been through ivf wouldn't realise it was that. Anyway, let's not dwell.

I am feeling a mixture of things - impatience being the main one ha ha. But then masses of trepidation, trying not to think about it all the time, trying not to let the worry creep in. You know, the usual.

Big big hugs to you xxx

in reply to

Big hugs to you too hun, I shall look out for your updates xxx

in reply to

We will all get there xxx

I'm so glad to see you have a plan in place & your thinking of your next cycle. I lost 2 baby's ( from natural pregnancies) & didn't move on for ages. Once I had a plan of action , I found things got easier for me... Having something to focus on again was great. I'm 26 weeks pregnant ( IVF ) now but still think about what might have been. Wishing you all the luck in the world with your second attempt. Xx

in reply to

I'm really sorry that you've had to go through 2 losses,it is so painful.

Huge congratulations on your pregnancy, hope it goes smoothly for you.

I'm trying to be positive but also more cautious this time but I'm doing everything I can to improve my chances, that's all we can do isn't it! Xx

You must do what feels right for you. There is no right or wrong here.

Personally after I lost my pregnancy I was keen to try again the following cycle. It’s not replacing. I haven’t been successful yet but I’ve had endometriosis to contend with & 2 surgeries this year to treat it ( it grows on my uterus ligament & affects fertility, as well as other places)

My fertility doctor said that we were just unlucky to lose the baby & dosent think there is any reason to think it will go wrong again.

Lots of women miscarry & go on to have a healthy baby.

All the best with your cycle xoxo

P.s my Gran had my mum at 40 and that was in 1959 & very unheard of then 🙂 xoxo

in reply to

Oh my gosh re your gran, yes it was unheard of in those days but good for her,she was a trend setter haha.

Hopefully you won't have to contend with anymore surgeries,as if this journey isn't hard enough xx

LegoBatgirl profile image

Best of luck with your next round x

in reply to LegoBatgirl

Thankyou xx

Caza2009 profile image

Sounds like you have a great plan! You’re obviously incredibly strong 💪🏼 so make sure you give yourself a load of credit for that!

Good luck for your next round xxxx

in reply to Caza2009

Thankyou Caza2009, I'm starting to feel stronger each day xxx

Sherry07 profile image

Best of luck for your next round and belated happy birthday to you very strong lady x

in reply to Sherry07

Thankyou Sherry07, I've been arranging things to do over the next few weeks to try and keep my mind occupied xx

Sherry07 profile image
Sherry07 in reply to

Great plan Claire; we are not letting the fertility issues beat us xx

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