Hello everyone 😊
As the title suggests, I could not wait 9 more months to start my one and only NHS cycle.
I have done some research and I am going to Czech Republic for IVF. Literally no waiting time, a lots cheaper than a cycle in the UK and apparently better success rates??
I am just waiting for my P to start (maybe Monday or Tuesday) in order to start my injections.
I have been prescribed 175units of Gonal F and nothing else... I see you ladies in so many different meds, I was surprised when I was prescribed only one... hope they know what they are doing.
When back in March our consultant on a follow up appointment said : “well, everything looks normal with you two, I will refer you to IVF” I was in chock and cried for hours. I wanted a reason to fail to conceive, not IVF. And it sounded so scary!
After pushing for a laparoscopy in April, was told they found very minimal endo (which was removed), and very healthy organs otherwise, so not a valid reason for not conceiving.
I can’t believe that in fact I am super excited to start this journey 😊
Although it’s not guaranteed it will work, we feel that we’ve never been so close!
Wish me luck 🍀