Re: funding for cycles and when a cyc... - Fertility Network UK

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Re: funding for cycles and when a cycle “ends”

Maikai profile image
20 Replies

Ok folks - possible no one knows this but thought I’d ask!

So up here in the frozen north in Aberdeen I qualified for 2 nhs funded cycles - I was referred before it changed to 3.

Cycle one ended with nothing in the freezer and two low grade embryos in me one of which implanted but gave up at 8.5 weeks. So that was cycle one done.

My question is - this time round they have 11 fertilised the day after ec so the chance of a frostie candidate is higher. Now if there is a frostie and I have a successful implantation this round that ends in missed miscarriage again will I be able to use my frostie as part of cycle 2 or will I have to pay for the use of my frostie?? I have no idea and they are asking if I want single or double transfer :-/ aaaargh Haha - the things you consider when you’re sitting at home looking like a puffa fish

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Maikai profile image
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20 Replies
abcgirl profile image

A "round" is considered to be a fresh transfer and all the frosties used up. So because your first round you went to transfer that would have counted at one even if it didn't end in a live birth. And this time, everything will be covered until you use up all your frozen embryos.

My first round didn't get to transfer at all because of zero fertilisation so that didn't count as it was 'cancelled' and so this one counts as my 'first' out of the 3 (i was put on the wait list just days after they changed the law).

I'll try to specifically where they mention that at our clinic.

abcgirl profile image

From our clinic's website:

Definition of one full cycle of IVF

One full cycle includes ovulation induction, egg retrieval, fertilisation, transfer of fresh embryos followed by the freezing of suitable embryos and the subsequent replacement of these, provided the couple still fulfil the access criteria. If suitable embryos are frozen these should be transferred before the next stimulated treatment cycle.

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey Im in Scotland too. So if you have a live birth your funding ends. So if you have a successful pregnancy and want a sibling you can then pay to do an FET at a later date. If however you achieve pregnancy but doesn't result in a live birth your funding continues until you use your frozen embryos up or have a baby. Bit rambled but hope that makes sense!xx

kumkums profile image

I agree with abcgirl. Cos I'm in Aberdeen too and from the leaflet we were given, it tells us a round includes all frozen and fresh cycle. I also think you will qualify for three rounds now. I read something about it, but can't remember where now.

Amanda86 profile image

Hey, I’m in Edinburgh and also had 2 cycles free which includes all frozen. We were successful 3rd transfer (second frostie) and this was still classed as our first cycle so I would imagine that your 2nd cycle wouldn’t be classed as complete until all frozen embryos have been used.

Good luck 🍀🤞 xxx

Leo2017 profile image

Hi, I’m also in Scotland at Aberdeen - we got a bfp from our 2nd go (first frozen) - scan on Mon!! 🤞🏻🙏 This and our one remaining frostie are all still classed as our first cycle!!

However, because I turned 40 during this go I’ve now lost my nhs funding for a second cycle!! 😕 praying I won’t need it, as I’m sure you are!! 🙏 wishing you the very best for your 2ww!! xx

Cara_mac profile image

Can I ask a quick question regarding this too? I’m currently under the fertility clinic in Scotland have been since 2014, we are half way through or 2nd funded iui cycle. If my other 2 fail then we will be transfers to ggow for ivf, will I get 3 funded rounds or 2? I’m not sure if I was placed on the waiting list at the very beginning of our journey in 2014 or if it will be classed as a new referral? Thank you :) xx

abcgirl profile image
abcgirl in reply to Cara_mac

I'd imagine it's a new referral but that's just a guess. That would be a good question for your clinic. Hope it's 3 rounds for you but hope more you don't need to get to that :)

Cara_mac profile image
Cara_mac in reply to abcgirl

Thank you, I’ll need to ask nearer the time. I’m also hoping and praying we won’t need it but I know my body and I’ve always said I’d need ivf to conceive and with my luck it’ll be more than the funded nhs rounds 😑 xx

E_05 profile image

Just wanted to say my clinic doesn’t count a ‘round’ as a fresh cycle and all the frozen embryos. Each time I have a transfer it counts as a new ‘round’. So even though I had a fresh cycle followed by 2 FET’s from the that fresh cycle that isn’t all counted as one ‘round’ at my clinic it’s counted as 3 xx

abcgirl profile image
abcgirl in reply to E_05

Is that privately or NHS? And where is that?

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to abcgirl

NHS. Bedfordshire

Stephc90 profile image

I’m in Edinburgh and one cycle does include your frozen embryos to, good luck x

Put it this way: we the London area and so many other parts we don’t get nothing! If one cycle on nhs includes all the embryo frozen being used ,bloody hell that is lucky you! We payed 10k for one round of ivf. If we need to use all the embryos left, for each embryo put inside(one allowed) you pay for medication,which should be 1.500£. Basically some are entitled to have a family,others don’t if they don’t pay ! Funny tough we pay big taxes....

Maikai profile image

Kinda wish I’d never asked. Sorry :-( not my intention to upset anyone

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Maikai

Of course you didn't, don't worry, you only asked a question!😙xx

abcgirl profile image
abcgirl in reply to Maikai

Don’t stress. I agree with Cinderella. We shouldn’t feel guilty for things out of our control nor for asking a question on a forum. This journey is tough for everyone in all different ways... none of it is fair 😢

Aleelilook profile image

I’m in London and I had two fresh cycles, and any in the freezer included for free! Sadly we have needed more rounds!xx

Tbop profile image

As others have said- it’s considered to be when all the eggs have been used up is the end of that round, so you should be entitled to all those that are frozen to be transferred if and when you need them :)

JB1988 profile image

This is really interesting to read - I am awaiting our follow up from our 2nd round, which nothing fertilised. I am under the impression that this counts as a round but reading these answers maybe I am wrong.

It is definitely something I will be bringing up with our clinic and seeing what they are going to do and if they do follow the guidelines!

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