Hi i just needed some advice really. I came off femara a few months ago.I am waiting for cyst removal surgery my cycles have been quite regular for 6 months.However this month i did not get my period after 28 days.I started testing for pregnancy from cd 27 and i got very faint bfp every day for 4 days.Then i tested a week later and i got a strong positive on clear blue.A week after i tested with superdrug and FRER all negative.Im not sure whats going on i am having pregnancy symptoms sore bbs feeling very hungry and sick. I also can't get anything confirmed as i am away from home for a couple of weeks.please can anyone giv e me advice. was the clear blue a fake positive? im really not sure.Also i am on cd 43 no AF still.
false positive on clear blue? - Fertility Network UK
false positive on clear blue?

More likely that the other tests were false negatives- a false negative is much more likely than a false positive. Maybe take another clearblue if you can get hold of one? And get a doctor’s appointment for when you get home so you can get a blood test. In the meantime I would recommend eating and drinking as if you are pregnant just in case xx
I agree do another first response or clear blue. There is a possiblility it could be a chemical or false negatives - good luck xx
Just like Lizzie said a false positive is less likely. TBH though you can never be sure but it sounds like a chemical to me. You did get faint positives or seemed like faint positive for 4 days and then a clear BFP after 7 days... so the thing hasn't been all of a sudden but gradual. And 7 days time again is sufficient for the HCG to fall back to baseline in case of a chemical at such an early stage as you are. Nonetheless, blue dye HPT has the record of garbling the results and Clearblue is no exception to that but then the chances of it really depends on how intense the test line was when you got a strong BFP. If it were comparable to the control line it probably wasn't a false positive. How long has it been since you spotted the BFN on FRER? With a chemical you're supposed to get an AF once the embie fails to implant but you haven't had any so far. In any case you're not pregnant right now... whether you happened to have conceived and had a loss can only be clarified by an AF. If you don't get one anytime soon, I'm afraid this will remain indecisive as you cannot rely on any confirmation through test for being away from home.
Thank you yes i realise i will have to stop testing and wait and see.its just i have had regular periods since last year and just wondering whats happening this cycle.I did the FRER yesterday morning and today.and no sign of AF.
How do you track ovulation if at all? If it's an anovulation cycle the Clearblue or the other faint positives shouldn't have been there. But again if indeed you've had a chemical which causes the drop in HCG and the subsequent BFN on FRER then why no AF. The only possibility is the AF might appear in a day or two, sometimes the prostaglandin or a mixed hormonal delay that's inhibiting uterine contractions to expel out. It's really a very confusing situation, I personally haven't encountered this even neither read any similar post to be able to help you, I'm sorry. Wait is all you've got to do. I'll really look forward to your update

Hi ash321. I realise that all his is very confusing for you. However, couldn't you just wait a few more days and do an early morning test again if you haven't started your period? I hope all turns out to be OK for you. EDiane
Hi yes i did test today with first morning urine and still no bfp.There is a very very faint line but that might be just an evaporation line.I am not sure why i have the pregnancy symptoms.I think i will just stop testing and wait for my period.Easier said then done !!
Hi i did a digital pregnancy test this morning which was negative.i am losing hope now as the only strong positive i got was on the clear blue easy to read test after that i have had all negative.I still havent started my period, i think i might have an anovulatory cycle. even though its been a year since i have had a such a long cycle.After i came off clomid last year my cycles became shorter and regular .i have only ever concieved on clomid.so to concieve naturally would be a miracle for me! Thank you everyone for your advice. i will keep you updated