Hi, I’m just looking for advice, really some positive outcomes! I have tested since 6dpt and had a faint line, it got stronger but still faint 8dpt but then continued to stay that weak throughout. I feel like my pregnancy hasn’t continued and didn’t progress since implantation, I did had some implantation spotting on day 7, 11 &12. Every time I’ve done a clear blue digital it tells me I’m only 1-2 weeks pregnant but it should be saying 2-3. I have to wait two weeks for my scan but I feel that there will be nothing to see. Could I possibly be pregnant, has anyone else had this before with a positive outcome? I’ve attached todays test photos!
Positive at 16dpt but faint - Fertility Network UK
Positive at 16dpt but faint

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Hey lovely,
I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the week indicator tests - they are notoriously unreliable! Can you have a blood test done to check your HCG levels instead?
Thanks! They don’t do blood tests unfortunately at my clinic, I just have to wait for the scan. I worry because my successful pregnancy and even my miscarriage had good positive lines 😢
Have you tried a FRER test instead? The pink dye is usually more reliable xx
I started off with trying clear blue early detection and it comes up with that but it’s still light. The problem is that it’s not getting any darker xx

Hi Robbinbird. I think it’s looking promising. Could you ask your GP to arrange a Beta hCG blood test. Good luck. Diane
Just to say, you can order bloods from home with medichecks , you can get repeated HCG. Good luck 🤞
hi just wondering if there is an update please how did you get on? Hope all is well 🤞🏼xx