Anyone about to start IVF? I have my first consultation the beginning of September with a view to start straight away! I am about to have an AMH test to check my ovarian reserve (it has to be above 12 for me to be eligible) we are going with the ABC clinic in London it’s called shoebox IVF and is so much cheaper with excellent success rates....just £2500 and that includes everything! And the to freeze eggs and reimplant it’s only £900! Is anyone else using that clinic? Anyway I’m new to this site so looking for any advice and a buddy to go have support/to support through this nerve wracking and exciting journey!!! BABY DUST to all!!!!
Starting ivf: Anyone about to start IVF... - Fertility Network UK
Starting ivf

Hi Jemcook. Just wanted to wish you well with your cycle of treatment when it happens, and for success. If anyone answers regarding this clinic, please do so by private message as it is seen as advertising. Good luck! Diane
Hi! I’m about to start ivf as well, I’ve been for the AMH test and told my egg reserve was “high” (not given a number though) and we’ll be starting the treatment itself in October! I’m super nervous, and really confused, when we went for our booking appointment the nurse explained what would happen at the speed of light, so I’m not really sure what’s going to happen... sure I’ll find out, good luck to you!
Hi Jemvcook,
I’m mid way through my first cycle now if you want a buddy! It’s all new to me too. I’m at Nuffield with NHS funding. All going well so far but tough on the body!
Good luck on your AMH reserve test!
C x
It’s exciting! Where do you live? I’m pleased to hear you had nhs funding. I wasn’t able to have it as my husband has children. Which I think is unfair but anyway 😁. So when is your egg retrieval? How are you feeling on the meds? Thanks ref AMH am keeping fingers and toes crossed 😜 did you have to have one? Xx
I had AMH done - mine was on the high side - could be PCOS or just high so have needed adjustments to meds to avoid too much overstimulation during the cycle.
EC was this morning!!! From 28 follicles they retrieved 13 eggs (high number due to being a bit overstimulated). Waiting for the call from the embryologist to see how things have moved forwards overnight - I hope the sperm & eggs are getting on with each other.... it’s a rollercoaster! X
They told me at one point they thought I had PCOS then another doctor said I didn’t so I am unsure! 13 eggs is a great number! I hope you have lots of strong eggies so you have some left over to freeze (if that’s your plan) were you sedated or ga today? It’s a rollacoaster but so worth the ride xx
Was GA today, was over so quickly, felt like I’d woken up from a nap! (apart from them needing to take the tube out! 😂)
Thank you - I’m hoping they’re good quality & can do the business! Can’t wait to hear from the embryologist tomorrow.
I’ve had mixed opinion on PCOS diagnosis too. I was told it looked like I had PCOS through nhs Scan in 2003, then told I didn’t in 2004. Then told I didn’t have it by recent fertility investigations through nhs - but told privately that I do (3D US scan could give a better picture and identify 42 follicles), that, coupled with hormone levels, high AMH, irregular & v heavy painful periods, history of ovarian cyst and diagnosis in 2003 make me think I probably do have PCOS. But my nhs consultant still thinks I don’t based on most recent nhs scan. It’s a conundrum! 🤔 I’m now on Metformin & Inofolic supplement to help (if I do!).
C x
Hi. Just jumping on. I go for the information session? At he end of September with the hope of starting in October. I’ve heard it feels like it takes forever to get to this stage (NHS) but then everything seems to go quickly once you get booked in with a start date. Be good to stay in touch throughout our journeys. Goooood Luck!! xx
Hi, I looked at that clinic too it’s just too far away for me :(.
I have a trial embryo transfer on 28th August and I will be doing my IVF/IVM in September too. Mines about £2900. I’m nervous incase it doesn’t work but I plan on freezing my embryos (£400) plus I’m adamant of having two embryos implanted to up my chances. Doctors not so keen but it’s my choice xx
Hi jemvcook we had our first consultation couple of days ago, just waiting on blood results to come back. Back on the 5th to go through our plan but Dr seemed really positive, they are hoping to get us through before Christmas. We're also private so hoping for bfp can't afford more than 3 cycles. Good luck hopefully lots of baby dust coming our way 😊