The meanie 2ww just got meaner! I started spotting like about a couple of hours ago... or can say noticed it around that time. No symptoms and now this! I'm not getting a very good feeling about this and my hunches are rarely wrong. I know it's little past the ideal time when a 5DT is supposed to latch but the blood is bright red... supposedly red. My chemicals started the same way but a little later on the timeline, one was on 14dp5dt and another on the OTD morning 17dp5dt. The clinic strictly asked me to refrain from testing least I panic, but I'm in a panic right now over the spotting already. Should I might as well get a test then? I guess I'm looking for some reassurance too (if any) that someone has had fresh blood spotting and got a full-term.
Now I'm really scared... (update) - Fertility Network UK
Now I'm really scared... (update)

Nothing is in our hand Becca,let's hope for the best.
Hi Becca
You can have spotting from implantation and also from the pessaries. If you are taking pessaries then you would not have menstrual bleeding (or highly unlikely to). Try to rest up and contact your clinic. They may advise that you up your doses. Good luck xxx

Yes, I've been taking progesterone pessaries. But does it gives fresh looking spotting? It's not continuous as well... which is more startling. It wasn't there when I woke up but spotted again around 4, still there last time I checked around half an hour ago. I know about both the possibilities of implantation and pessaries... but aren't they supposed to be like old blood? I'm getting a fresh one and when it started back in noon it was like a little seepage and then got to drops (sorry for TMI). I haven't had IB since my first conception over natural TTC around 4 years ago so can't tell even if there's a pattern. I'll probably call the clinic up first thing tomorrow if things don't get better. Thanks!!
Good Morning Becca,
I know exactly how you feel, I too had spotting which started last Sunday 6days post 5 day transfer,it was bright red and it was just when I wiped ,(sorry if tmi) I rang the clinic and the told me to meds so best to ring your clinic,as Camillage has said it could be an irritation to the pessaries, I got a BFP on Friday so try not to panic,although thats harder said than done. Fingers crossed for you xx

Wow, congratulations on your BFP! I'm happy that you're through... and your success story in spite of the spotting ... that definitely gives me some hope. Thanks a tonne! I had no idea that fresh spotting could also be due to pessaries. If you don't mind me asking.. did you get in touch with the clinic on the same day or waited a day or two and did you like spotted for the second day as well (if at all)?
Thank you hun. I rang the clinic straight away as they had a 24hr hotline, it continued till the Monday night but only when I went to the toilet. When I rang the private clinic in the Uk to book pregnancy blood test she said implantation blood can also be red so could be that or the pessaries or blood vessels, I did really stress about it but the more I researched it the more common I realised it was but you are best to ring the clinic ASAP just incase you need to alter your dosage xx

Thanks a ton... I'll do that first thing in the morning! I deliberately do not want to call on the hotline and redirect, it's not an exclusive fertility clinic and I'd better connect to my respective dept. which is an official number.
In relation to testing early I was due to do a home test Monday but clinic advised me to do a blood test Friday so bought it forward but I didn't test early than recommended as I knew I would be in a right state if negative and could be a false read,I know its so hard to wait but is best to follow advice of clinic xx

Yes, the first thing that came to my mind when I panicked was... I'm already panicking due to the spotting, so is it worth taking the test.... I could be reassured if I get a BFP. You know how these times are totally confusing and agonising. I didn't even consider that I'm most likely to get a BFN because it's just 12DP5DT, there can be an early detection but again might not and that can jeopardise any chances that I may have. I'm glad I didn't buy any test just to make sure I can refrain from it.
I spotted red throughout the 2ww and several times in the first 11 weeks of my current pregnancy. I’m now nearly 17 weeks along. Having had a couple of chemicals in the passed and 2 missed miscarriages I was beside myself every time I saw the tiniest bit of spotting. My clinic suggested upping progesterone and using the pessaries rectally which did help. I know it’s awful and hard but try to stay positive and relax. A third of pregnant women have bleeding and it’s even more common in IVF pregnancies.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. x
How are you today? Xx

Not good, disappointed and totally broke down emotionally... my spotting turned to regular flow yesterday noon. I was scared like hell about the spotting then the things got a little better when women here reassured that they have had similar spotting and went on to full term. Don't know what went wrong this time, even after the DE+IVF attempt! We were very optimistic about this attempt but it all ended in tears and an intense empty feeling again.
Maybe the clinic will be able to advise? What have they said? It may not seem so but it will ease and if you can get a new plan. Sending you massive hugs. I know it will have been hard to even write what you did xx
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! I was about to wish you hope and strength and then came across this awful news. Hugs to you! I hope you do have more viable embies to try for another FET, that could offer some solace in this total disappointment. I agree with Camillage that may be the clinic will be able to give you some insight and recommend something that might just have more chances of success over the subsequent transfers. I know how it feels to have a failed FET especially with twin transfer it's like twice the grief. But you got to stay strong and plan your next move... because success lies on the other side getting stuck won't help. Wish you love and good luck!