This morning I’m off for my cycle day 7 scan to check all looks in order for a natural FET this month, eeeek!!! I normally ovulate around day 12 ish so it’s really getting soon!
My one and only thing I’m not decided on yet is what to transfer! We have one “good” day 3 frostie and 5 poor blasts frozen. Originally I wanted to transfer 2 poor blasts to sort of use it as a mock cycle in case I bleed early or anything, but my consultant has convinced me that they will have my progesterone under control. So I’m leaning towards using the good day 3.
Now comes my other thing I can’t decide... should I transfer it as a day 3 embryo...? Or should I have them thaw it and grow it to day 5? Just because obviously things can go wrong between day 3 and day 5... so I feel like protecting myself from an even longer 2ww with a day 3 transfer, if it might not even make blast? Although there is the thought that it could be better in me than in the lab.
If it didn’t make it to day 5, then we would start defrosting the poor ones on day 5 and will transfer the first two to survive the thaw.
If it did make it to day 5, transfer that one on its own, or transfer that one and the best lo king of the poorer blasts?
What’s everyone’s thoughts??
Lots of love xx