So my period has now arrived after my failed transfer - as if I needed another reminder! However, I am feeling much better about things. I've cried until my eyes were sore but I have now been able to rationalise everything and look at moving forward.
I've booked an appt with the consultant on Monday to discuss what happens next as I have 4 embryos still frozen. I want to discuss whether 2 can be transferred next time.
I've made enquiries about counselling and found someone who is fairly local so I hope to start that as I need an outlet to discuss what has happened.
I've been able to reflect on what has happened and am going to treat this round as a trial run. There is so much I have learnt. This includes being selective in the future about who I tell about the transfer. I told too many people and that added even more pressure in hind sight. I'm also going to book more time off around the transfer and the time of blood results as I've only taken says off for egg collection and the transfer, I've worked throughout the whole process and where I have a stressful job I should make more time for me where it is so important.
I've had my first alcoholic drink in months and it's so nice being off the medication and starting to feel more like me. The medication definitely impacts your mood. I'm looking forward to getting back into exercise for a bit and getting back to a healthy position if I am going to give this another shot. However, I am going to enjoy a bit if time out so I can be me for a bit without obsessing about getting pregnant and having to constantly take a cocktail of (legally prescribed!) Drugs.
One of my friends has just announced her pregnancy which is tough but I am genuinely happy for her as they have been trying for a long time. I need to find a way to make everyone else's pregnancies not about me and my journey as otherwise I know it will eat me up.
Thank you to everyone on here, your kind words have helped me no end. No one knows what this process is like unless you've been through it and empathy from someone who knows exactly what you are going through really does help.
I am wishing everyone luck on their journey and I hope we all get our happy ending xx