My period is over 2 weeks late following a failed transfer. Clinic suggesting I should have a scan (more costs). Anyone been this late before and found a problem? Thank you
Late period after failed transfer - Fertility Network UK
Late period after failed transfer

After treatment the extra hormones can upset your cycle and make it late - after scan clinic might suggest medication to bring on bled Thinking of you
Hi! I just had a miscarriage and I know that my period should be a little late because of the body trying to go back to normal. But if your embryo didn't implant I really don't know any reason your cycle is so messed up. The best thing you can do is to call your clinic and tell them. I had this problem after an IVF treatment.
After my rounds my cycles have always been wonky. Its all the drugs hitting your system, it should arrive soon and get back to normal but if you are worried prob worth a scan x
Yes, I had same issue after failed ivf and it/ period comes in the end. Don't think scan is needed.
After my first 2 transfers I was really late coming on my period and I'm normally like clockwork. I think around 3 weeks. I didn't have a scan until after my period. My third transfer I had less progesterone and came on my period within a few days. Sorry to hear it didn't work and good luck for your next round.