Hi there,
Just wanted to send you an update on my journey. I've been a member here for a few years, going through the IVF ICSI battle. My husband and I had two unsuccessful attempts here in the UK back in May 2016 and May 2017. However after we married in September 2017 we decided to have one last attempt abroad in Cyprus using donor sperm. This was a difficult decision as we ever so wanted to have a child that was from both of us but our hearts knew that we were fighting a losing battle and did not have the strength or finances to continue down that route.
My last post on this site was in November 2017 as I was eagerly waiting to start treatment in December. We were flying out on Xmas Eve and stayed there until after New Year.
Anyways to cut a long story short, I got a BFP in the New Year. I knew this didn't mean success as my previous embies didn't survive past 6 weeks. My HCG bloods were rising and I got to my 6 week scan and saw TWO healthy sacs. At last there was hope!! I had some heavy bleeding at around 10 weeks and 12 weeks, but both babies hung in there. I was at last pregnant with twins but the anxiety never left.
At 27 weeks my boy/girl twins tried to make an early appearance, then at 29 weeks on the 4th July 2018 our babies arrived prematurely. Our precious babies are now in SCBU getting all the help they need and will remain there for a couple of months. The hardest part of it all is going through all we went through to have our babies to then not be able to care for them. However we are strong and will pull through.
I wanted to share my story as it's been a difficult road but there was light at the end of the tunnel. This group was an amazing support to me through my battles and I don't know what I would have done without being it.
Wishing you all the very best in your journeys and keep fighting for that dream!! 💕💕