After my 8th transfer and positive test a few weeks back, I had my viability scan this week. As many know, I lost my last pregnancy at 18 weeks and have been very anxious about doing ivf again but can’t give up on my dream of having a baby. To my shock, I was told that there are two heartbeats and we are expecting twins. I am still in shock and so happy but also very anxious after last time. I wanted to share this update as it’s a huge milestone to be in this position and I feel very lucky to be at this stage. I am taking each week as it comes and hope that I do get to meet my little twins next year xx
Sensitive post - so far so good - Fertility Network UK
Sensitive post - so far so good

Awww Georgie, this is amazing news sweetheart!!💞💞 I'm so pleased to hear all is going well do far though know it's not going to be easy for you. Take care, keep us posted. Wishing you all the luck in the world that this is your time!🙏🏻😘🤞🏻xxx
Great news and lots of luck and love for this pregnancy xx
That’s wonderful news 😊💓💓 so delighted for you Georgie 🙌🏼 All very exciting (although I understand you would be nervous to be too excited, I am excited for you!) looking forward to hearing your updates on your little ones xx
Wow Congratulations 🥳 Just stay positive and everything will turn out perfect 👌 Take Care all three of you 💓
AMAZING news Georgie. I hope this is gods way to make up for all your losses. Praying for you ❤️

Thank you. I really hope so as I am so ready to be a mum. Xx
Huge congratulations so lovely to hear after your tough journey ♥️💫♥️ twins how beautiful 🤗 xxx
aahhh Georgie17 thats such beautiful news. I keep absolutely everything crossed for you. Take care sending love and strength. x
Congratulations such lovely news!! So pleased for you. Hoping the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly. Take care lovely xxx
Congratulations!!!! Twins :).
I hope also for twins