Entitled to my 1st free go of ivf as ... - Fertility Network UK

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Entitled to my 1st free go of ivf as a single women at seacroft fertility hospital. Leeds United Kingdom.

18 Replies

Hi, can anybody tell me if they’re currently at seacroft fertility hospital or have previous attend if anyone knows if single women are entitled to a free go of ivf? I’ve just been told by someone who thinks this is true but isn’t sure. My gynaecologist who’s a consultant which I’m sure is quite high up in the nhs referred me and I’m now confused and worried my hopes were high and I was relaxed now I’m all over the place. Why would she do this it out of false hope that’s wasting the nhs’s time so why would she? I’m opting for donor sperm. She knew my situation perfectly and said I could be accepted Or i could be refused but never said anything about ivf not being free for me if this was the case surely she wouldn’t of referred me for the waiting list for seacroft.

I have pcos and endometriosis stage 4 the worst case and I’m 24.

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18 Replies
physicskate profile image

I'm at Seacroft but through Yorkshire fertility. You'd need to check your ccg guidelines on fertility fairness. Have you had any iui or inseminations?

in reply to physicskate

I’ve had nothing, I thought if it was my gynecologist consultant which is one of the highest who referred me in gynecology at st James hospital I thought I’d be okay. Don’t see why she would get my hopes up and also waste nhs time reffering me if she didn’t think I would be accepted makes no sense. Ive tried looking for the criteria but can’t see anything, if you don’t mind would you be able to check for me if you know where to find it and send me the criteria please

Lynnr54 profile image

I’m also at Seacroft and my first round was free on NHS but not sure what rules are about having to be a couple. If you have PCOS and endometriosis then I would think you have a stronger chance of being accepted for treatment but it will depend on your CCG criteria. I know there is more than one CCG use Seacroft so it will be more down to them rather than Seacroft itself. As physicskate said, the fertility fairness website is usually a pretty good place to start but not sure if they would mention IVF as a single person. Hope you get some answers before getting too far down the path. Good luck!

in reply to Lynnr54

What is ccg? It was my gynecologist at st James hospital in Leeds who referred me and she’s a consultant which I’m sure is one of the highest. I just don’t get if she knew I’d be refused why she would get my hopes up reffering me and waste nhs time. She knows I’m a single woman. Thanks anyway same to you xx

Lynnr54 profile image
Lynnr54 in reply to

CCG is the clinical commissioning group. It’s them who fund the IVF rather than the hospital itself and they are regionally based. There are 3 separate ones in Leeds (Leeds North, Leeds West and Leeds South and East). I agree it does seem strange she would refer you if you weren’t eligible but it would be worth having a look on your CCG’s website to see what their funding criteria is. I’ve just had a look at the fertility fairness website and the info on there doesn’t mention whether or not you have to be in a relationship. I would say if you are paying for the donor sperm then you have a pretty strong argument to get them to fund you if you would need IVF treatment even if you weren’t single. Although, my friend who lives down south also has PCOS and Endo and her clinic put her on Clomid before they would let her try IVF, so it’s possible they will want you to try Clomid and IUI before going to full IVF. I guess all you can do is do some research into your CCG policy so you are going into your appointment armed with some info and the see what your consultant says. I seem to remember I only had about 6 weeks from referral to first appointment so hopefully you won’t have too long to wait. Good luck!

in reply to Lynnr54

Isn’t clomid what helps you to realase eggs? They’ve already investigated this and they’ve said I’m ovulating fine but my tubes are blocked and destroyed from the endometriosis so it’s the sperm that can’t reach it so comid wouldn’t make any sense to use. I’m not sure what iui is I forget all the names I’m sure there’s so many but I’ve been told it’s a 2% chance of me ever conceiving naturally and the only option is ivf where they remove my eggs and then place them in a dish with the sperm. I will look at this ccg and if I can’t still can’t see anything speak to seacroft directly on Monday to let know I’m on the waiting list and see if it’s possible I’ll be accepted. Do you think me ringing up to ask will effect this? I hope not

Thanks again and you too xxx

Lynnr54 profile image
Lynnr54 in reply to

Ah, right. That makes sense. My friend has bad endo but it hasn’t destroyed her tubes which is why they must have done it differently with her. I doubt ringing up would affect whether you’re funded or not but they may not be able to help you over the phone and might suggest waiting until your appointment comes through.

in reply to Lynnr54

Yeah I think I’m just gonna wait and see. Fingers crossed and positive thoughts hopefully does the job! :) xx

physicskate profile image
physicskate in reply to

It seems Iui wouldn't be the best option for you. However, you really need to start doing a bit of your own research to become more of your own advocate on this. How do you know your tubes are blocked? What procedures and tests have you had already?

I didn't know any of this stuff until we'd been ttc for many months, but then I sat down and got to know my entitlements and responsibilities. I wouldn't always trust healthcare professionals to know what you are entitled to, especially with such a unique case. Don't just be upset that your consultant could refer you and not know the rules - learn the rules yourself too.

in reply to physicskate

I’ve had the all the tests. They operated on me in February and did a larascopy which is when they found my pcos and endometriosis which hasn’t just blocked my tubes but destroyed them completely. Iknow what all the different prodecures are it’s just when things get on top of you and you’ve so much more information to take in everyday you sometimes forget. Not that you chose to it’s just draining when your so desperate. I get what your saying but she’s the highest person in the department that I’m under so I assumed she knew what she was onabout and I hope she still knows. I’m going to look into this more but she didn’t beat around the bush when I asked what was free and what wasn’t. She said I would have to pay for donor sperm privately and that seacroft are very strict when it comes to payments. She then said your first go of ivf is free for you and she knew my situation and knew I was a single women as I kept stressing this matter as I was worried about being refused. Normally they just say if you’ll be accepted or refused most times they don’t waste time in the nhs on putting you on the list when there’s other people who are desperate for a child too.

As I said I’m gonna look into this further and also give seacroft a ring.

Thanks for your advice

Cocoli profile image

Hi Endosister1993,

I just wanted to reiterate what others have said, by telling you that you have to check your area’s CCG guidelines, to know for sure what the criteria is for NHS ivf funding.

I’m single and just ungone my first ivf cycle. I’ve had to fully fund it myself as Lewisham/SE London do not fund ivf for single women. I have no Fallopian tubes so it’s impossible for me to conceive naturally. You would think I would get at least one cycle funded 🤷🏾‍♀️

Best of luck with your endeavours. Keep us posted.


in reply to Cocoli

If this is the case it’s really sad how a gynecologist can get your hopes up by referring you giving you false information knowing I’m probably gonna have to save up and pay. Thank you for sharing this with me, I wish you all the best and good luck on your journey x

Cocoli profile image
Cocoli in reply to

I agree with you, if in fact your gynaecologist has given you false hope. Do find out exactly who is entitled to nhs funded ivf/iui treatment in your area so you are 100% sure, and you can plan your next move. I’ve had to choose between ivf treatment and purchasing my own place. It’s hard and unfair.

Keep your head up! I wish you the best. I’ll keep an eye out for your posts.


in reply to Cocoli

It’s just really frustrating because I kept stressing to her before she referred me that I’m a single women. She didn’t beat around the bush and was really strict. She told me yes your entitled to a free go of ivf but you will have to pay privately for donor sperm as that’s what I’m choosing.

I’ve only started having these doubts since a women on this site said a friend wasn’t entitled to a free go of ivf when apparently she was even though my situations a lot worse. All I can do is ring up tommorow and double check and then just hope and pray and think positive and if not save up for my treatement as sad as it is

And thank you you too, all the best again x

Cocoli profile image
Cocoli in reply to

I understand how you are feeling, I would be miffed. I really hope your gynaecologist is correct. I’m sure you can check online too. I have my fingers crossed for you x

in reply to Cocoli

Thank you so much I wish you all the best on your journey too x

Sorry to hear about your endometriosis and I’m sorry to hear it’s made conceiving naturally impossible before you wanted have a family. It must have been such a shock.

I have endometriosis so I know what a crappy condition it is to have and mine is affecting fertility ( it grows on Uterosacral ligament and POD handy affecting implantation 🙄) and is all over my rectum causing many health issues; which has put trying on hold till it’s sorted out.

I really hope your appointment goes well and you get funding; you don’t need financial stress for fertility treatment it’s hard enough. xoxo

in reply to

I must have it had it since I was really young because I’ve had these symptoms for years and I’m only 24. Thank you very much I wish you all the best too x

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