OK I thought I was fairly well informed now we are approaching 2 years of treatment. 3 fresh cycles and 4 bfns before finally a bfp then miscarriage at 12 weeks. lots of googling and desperately searching for answers led me to a procedure I never heard of a hysteroscopy. .I have seen a few posts on here but never really paid attention. a quick check of cost and I see it's not cheap over £2000..my consultant who I trust has never mentioned this although I never asked. .is this something we should consider for our last and final frostie? can anyone advise. .Google says it's a must for ivf xxx
am I missing something -hysteroscopy? ?? - Fertility Network UK
am I missing something -hysteroscopy? ??

Hi I had it before IVF started free on NHS. Get your doctor to refer you? Xx
hmmmmm have I maybe had this? is that the dye test thing?xx
It’s not the dye test hun. It is a camera which gets a closer that goes inside your uterus; to see inside your uterus ; has a much better view than a scan.
I have had 2 done on the NHS: one on its own and the second one was done with my second lap! Yes I have had a few surgeries!
Have you had a lap done as well to check for endo as that can hinder fertility? It doesn’t shown on a scan.
If you have any questions in this procedure feel free to ask! xoxo

sorry what's a lap?surely I would know if I had endo by now..am 40!!
It’s very difficult to diagnose endometriosis as many of the symptoms can mask many other conditions. Also endometriosis will NOT show up on a ultrasound as GPS think 🤦🏽♀️ The only way to diagnose endometriosis is by having a surgical procedure called laparoscopy or lap for short! It involves putting a hole in your belly button and making another incision above your lady parts and if endometriosis is found the surgeon will make 3 incisions to put various tools in to treat; it’s not as bad as it sounds!
I went through 5 years and 10 months of “ unexplained infertility “ and every test looked so normal and so I was massively dismissed by the medical profession, i also suffered abnormalities in my cycles for 3 years which no gynaecologist could explain. It was by luck I had a bad reaction to clomid on my 4 th round and because of the chronic pain my fertility specialist suggested a laparoscopy which he said wouldn’t find endometriosis but felt it should be ruled out in case; he believed my pain was due to bowel in origin not gynae. These medics don’t always get it so right. I was relieved to have an answer for the infertility; before I felt I’d gone mad because no one believed me there was a problem. I feel very strongly women should have it looked for for infertility investigations as many as 1 in 10 women have it. Sadly women’s problems are very undervalued and many are made to believe it “ part of being a woman “ medics attitudes are not helpful. Looking I should have realised 20 years I had severe pain etc with periods that would make me miss school. We never told what is normal and what is not regarding periods and if I ever have a daughter I will make sure she knows. Rant over sorry 😐 xoxo

Yes I remember this well it was very painful I was put to sleep. Might be worth testing to see if anything had changed? Xx
thanks ladies..I checked endo symptoms and I have never had any special figure that not an issue for me. I emailed our consultant to ask about hysteroscopy and she felt given hcg was clear there was no reason to do it..I think I am happy with that I guess..just desperate to find an answer when it seems there isn't one..another endo scratch will be done for this last round. ..so hoping that does the trick again..thanks ladies as always xxx
Hi Vic, you should really have got this before the IVF referral. It checks your tubes are clear and that the womb is normal. No scar tissue/blockages etc anywhere. You should get a GP referral xx
lol I am confused now too..I had a dye test 2 years ago what is that?xx
Ahh. Yes sorry my mistake - what I described is the HSG (dye test)! I got a hysteroscopy in Dec as part of my laporoscopy into my Endo tests xx
Hi vic77
After 3 failed ivf‘s I travelled over to Serum in Athens and had a hysteroscopy and implantation cuts and fell pregnant on my next fresh cycle, I was also never told about this either but heard about it through forums, I’m so pleased I went through with it, it cost £1600 and I’m sure that’s what helped.
They do a video which you watch afterwards and it shows exactly why an embryo can’t implant, as the inside of the womb is coated in what can only be described as white fluff (sorry if to much info) which they scrape away.
I hope this helps, I would definitely recommend it to anybody that has has had a few failed attempts. I’m now 12 weeks pregnant 😊
quick Google tells me dye test thingy is called hsg. .so long ago now .yes is this same as hysteroscopy?
Sorry for confusing everyone - looks like hysteroscopy is different thing.
I have had hsg and hycosy....
Hi vic. I was confused about this too and when I moved clinic they suggested for the first time that I had this done to check Fallopian tube blockages before even starting treatment.
I was referred for a HyCoSy rather than a hysteroscopy though. I think the hysteroscopy is more invasive and checks for more things although I’m still not sure. The HyCoSy was a catheter into Fallopian tubes to check for blockages with dye and only took 10 minutes.
They referred me for it on the NHS, the waiting list in Glasgow was 8 weeks.
Hope that helps x
Hsg is the dye put through your tubes you can be awake for this. I had a laporoscopy at the same time so had a general anaesthetic As they make incisions in your tummy to look on the outside of your womb and fallopian tube‘s.
Hysteroscopy you can be awake for or some are knocked out. That’s a camera up your bits to look at the inside of your womb. The clinic I went to in Athens also did implantation cuts that get to a good blood supply to help embryo implant. More intense than a scratch hence I was knocked out but best thing we did x
hmmmmm thanks so much...this has never been mentioned to me. I had hsg through nhs but never a mention of this..with one frostie left and 40 years old I want to give this best shot..maybe I will contact my consultant to discuss..thanks so much ..just don't want more worry and wait tho yet really want to do best I can for this last go. wonder why never been mentioned to me..thanks so much all xxxx
From my understanding, when you are referred by your gp for fertility issues, the next step is the HSG (dye test), and NHS will only do a hysteroscopy if there are issues showing on the dye test e.g. polyp, irregular lining etc. If other issues come up during your treatment, your consultant would recommend having one if they thought it was necessary or they saw something unusual on scans. During my private treatment, one of my scans showed a polyp, so I went back through the NHS for a hysteroscopy to get it removed x
thanks that's helpful..no issues were identified during my hsg so maybe I should just leave it and not stress myself out anymore xx
Hey Vic, I think hysteroscopy is usually recommended if you have had recurrent implantation failure (after the transfer of very good embryos), lining issues or polyps issues. By all means speak to your consultant but as you fell pregnant before I think they'll say it's not necessary. You've had a hysterosalpingogram already to check tubes etc by sounds of things.
I had mine done in Greece and they found thick scar tissue which they cut away that was hampering my chances and obstructing poor blood flow which showed in my poor lining thickness as one of the other girls said above. Some people choose to have this done to improve their chances as it works better than the scratch but quite extreme. Give me a shout of I can help on WhatsApp!xxx
thanks hun..still confused after all this time 😯just want to try everything..I haven't really had great embryos so likely that the reason xxx
I had a hysteroscopy. After two ivf miscarriages and other failed rounds, the consultant suggested it, just to check.
I asked my gp to refer me following consultant advise and I opted to have it under general, as the Hycosy’s that I had were very painful!
They check the lining for issues, do some scrapes/send some biopsies off to check and remove potential issues that might cause problems.
I’m glad I had it done to chevk, but nothing was found..
It just means they take a look at your womb lining. My ivf clinic never wanted me to have it, but it was done at the same time as my laparoscopy as part of my nhs infertility investigations. It revealed nothing. If they do the hysteroscopy, what might it tell you and what can they do about it? My understanding is that it identifies adenoyosis (I think I spelled it wrongly) and is there anything they can do to treat that?
I’ve had two to remove a polyp each time. I think it can be done as an investigatory process to have a look if there is anything obvious stopping implantation. I would beware of dr google though and be guided by your clinic. Your consultant sounds very supportive and wants to give you every chance of success. Hope you get some clarification. Xxx
thanks hun..I emailed her yesterday about this and she got straight back..as hsg and scans were all clear she sees no reason for this..I hope she's right as I treasure that last frostie xxxx