Hi all....it's probably me but has anyone else had embryo transfer and not experienced any pains or cramps but got a BFP...I guess you could say I'm looking for some reassurance. I had my Day 2 ET on Friday but had a few cramps/pains over the weekend but nothing at all now. Is this normal? Should I be feeling something?
Feeling nothing after ET: Hi all....it... - Fertility Network UK
Feeling nothing after ET

I wish I had written down exactly how I felt after each transfer because I really do forget and then I drive myself crazy each time wondering if what I am feeling is normal.
I'm pretty sure that when it did work (and I ended up with my beautiful little girl) I felt nothing. I got a positive result on a hpt 6 days after a 5 day fet. I'm currently 7 days post 5 day fet now and I have had cramping off and on all week so I'm the opposite to you. I have done a hpt again and it has come back negative so I've lost all hope for this cycle. I think the first few days cramping and then nothing is highly possible to be implantation pains so fingers crossed for you!!

Hi 1980baby. It's really too early to be feeling anything, I'm afraid. The initial cramps etc are usually just down to your womb settling back down after being pulled about. Fingers crossed all goes well for you. Diane
Symptoms can come and go butbthr only symptom I had was slightly sore boobs off and on, that’s it! No twinges, cramps, nothing! Good luck xxx

Thank you Natalia44 I'm just keeping everything crossed. Everything went so easily I guess I'm just worried now it's got to the 2WW. Thanks for your kind words.xx
It’s fantastic that everything went smoothly!! It’s normal to worry, We’re all the same! You’ll be fine 😘xxx