Hi I'm only on day 3 after Embryo Transfer (2 embryos transferred) and as yet I don't feel anything different except a slight headache, which may just be a cold coming. I'm worried because everyone writes about the embryo implanting and cramps and bleeding (not that I'd like those things you understand, but if it's an indication then I would be so happy to tolerate them). What I want to know is, during the wait time did some of you get a positive result and have few or no symptoms? I'm thinking no symptoms means the embryo has not implanted and I was told it implants between 24-48 hours after transfer - it's a very negative thought but a hard one not to think at this time of anxious waiting...
No symptoms after ET: Hi I'm only on... - Fertility Network UK
No symptoms after ET

Hi, I'm on day 4 of a 5 day blastocyst transfer.
I also don't have any symptoms yet, well apart from the sore boobs which i think is caused by the cyclogest pessaries.
Driving myself crazy waiting to test!
I have read lots online that it is too early for symptoms yet anyway and anything we do have could probably just be our bodies settling down from all the drugs we have been pumped with over the last few weeks.
I am with you! Anyway see the posts below - very helpful - I've used donor eggs but I also have quite a thin lining so it's going to need to be a strong embie to latch on I'm sending it positive vibes today x You are right too I've been much more active today since transfer - just feel like I want to do things and rather stupidly I didn't plan much. Anyway the perfect chance to start on doing next years accounts sheet...or maybe just watch netflicks..I'll leave you guessing which one I'll go for lol x
I know it's so much easier said that done but try not to symptom spot. Try not to think about it at all! Keep busy, meet good friends and family, watch TV that makes you belly laugh, read a great book... go back to work if you think you can.
My first round I focused on the transfer constantly - what did this twitch mean? What about that pang? I ended up not getting pregnant.
With my second I just tried to be as normal as possible. Back to work after a few days and seeing lots of people. And now I'm expecting a baby in a month
I found writing in a journal really helped me to focus on the positives. I would write down and doubtful feelings and then move on.
Good luck and I hope it works out!
Congratulations!I think I'll writing some things down..I'm not working at the moment so likely have too much time on my hands and have been looking too much but it puts my mind at rest to know that no symptoms can also be a positive. Thanks for your kind reply and i hope birth is a smooth one x
I think your little embryos are about the size of a spec of dust at the minute, so it’s no surprise you can’t feel them - Bear in mind that most people don’t feel implantation happening... I think perhaps us IVFers do sometimes because we are really looking out for it. I’m working on a formula to speed up time, so once I figure that out I’ll let you know! 😉 Good luck on the rest of your 2WW Xx
Hey during my first 2ww I didn't really have symptoms other than sore boobs and that resulted in a BFP. Unfortunately it did end in a miscarriage. I'm 7 days into in the 2ww again now and I don't have any symptoms I had a little period like pain and I don't have the sore boobs this time either. I would try and remain positive, everyone is different and you don't know what is the progesterone and what isn't. Good luck with the rest of your 2ww fingers crossed for you for a BFP xxx
Hi, I'm also on day 5 of blastocyst transfer of 3 embryos and I have also not had any symptoms and I've also been worried sick not knowing if this is a good or a bad sign. This 2WW is so nerve racking. Praying hard,keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
I'm with you on that one - keeping busy seems like a good idea...I'm making some plans for the weekend and trying to get on top of some stuff at home I've been putting off for ages which is quite gratifying! I've taken time off for this so i have time to worry...didn't realise I'd be slightly obsessing - however I'm also grateful I'm not doing the horrid commute into work which would stress me out right now.
Keep positive x

Hi Warmheart. Nothing really to feel yet. Sometimes some aching from ovaries still being a bit active and pulling sensations from the procedure. However not everyone feels anything, so please don’t worry, it’s early days. Good luck. Diane
