Woke up at 5 feeling wet. Ran to toilet and huge bright red fish, then loads of clots. I’ve rang EPAU but they really don’t want me to go in, so I guess I’m doing it at home with my fiancé. I don’t know what to say. I just want it over now. I was sat in the bottom of the shower with blood constantly trickling out of me. I’m now numb from it all.
Huge red bleed. Managing it at home - Fertility Network UK
Huge red bleed. Managing it at home

*i mean huge bright red gush
That’s terrible that they don’t want you to go in. If I were you I would just go anyway and demand to be seen. I cannot begin to understand what you are going through and wish I could take it all away for you. I’m so sorry xxx
Oh Kathryn this is so upsetting, I can’t imagine how you’re feeling at the minute, the shift change should happen between 8-8.30 ring again and speak to someone else! If no luck try A&E or see if there is a private early/reassurance scanning place by you that is open! Hold tight and try and stay calm (easier said than done I know) lots of women bleed at the start of their pregnancy. And don’t forget if you were in bed then the blood would pool and gush once you stood up! I’ve got everything crossed for you xxxx
I'm so sorry to hear your going through this sweetheart & your hospital is not very supportive. I'm not sure how much blood your loosing but like you, last year I had a big gush, mine was then followed by very heavy bleeding. My A & E were brilliant , saw me straight away , gave me drugs to slow down the bleeding then admitted me for a D & C the next day. I didn't want to be going through it at home. Sending you so much love ❤ right now xxxx
This is so awful, you poor thing. I agree with Tezzabell86 , you should go into the EPU in person. I think it’s better that they monitor you with the blood loss. Sending all my love xx
They won’t. Any my fiancé wants us to do it at home. EPAU just keep saying there’s nothing they can do because they don’t scan at weekends, there’s no sonographer in. And they can’t stop the bleeding. And they don’t know for sure if it’s a miscarriage, and they can’t admit me just for bleeding. I phoned them then, they said put a new pad on, and call back in an hour to let them know how much blood there is.
I think that there should be more about this in pregnancy books. I think people should talk about this more, since so many of us go through this. I keep feeling bad about myself, like I’m not worthy, or a good enough woman. But then I know so many of you have been through this, and we all deserve our baby. I also have a couple of acquaintances that have had a MC and they 100% didn’t deserve it. So I guess I’m the same. I just want this to be over so I can recover and we can try again
Hi Kathryn I really hope you have a positive outcome from this. I know its not the same but I had a bleed in week 13 and for two days was like a really heavy period. I was scanned and they said my cervix was closed so all OK. They suspect its placenta previa - where the placenta sits at the opening of the cervix so it's more likely to bleed frequently. About an hour after they scanned me, I passed a huge blood clot about the size of the palm of my hand. The big bleed tailed off and then was just like a light period for about 5 days, and then nothing since. I totally agree this needs to be talked about more, I was absolutely terrified and assumed the worst. Since then I was told that about 30% of women bleed at some stage in their pregnancy, some the whole way through. I hope you are OK now and have got some answers to what is happening ❤️ xxx
Hey Katheryn, how are you doing? Sounds like you’re having a rotten morning. Are you still bleeding heavy? Hoping it doesn’t all end badly. You might be able to find somewhere private to scan today if it makes you feel better? I know your fiancé wants you at home and that’s fine but just explain the bits you need and come to an agreement xx
Hi Kathryn, just wanted to send you a hug x💙x
I’ve just passed a massive amount of blood completely went through the pad. Then a clot the size of my hand fell out into to toilet. We’re going to hospital now.
Just been examined by doctor. Passing small clots every 30 min. They’ve agreed to let me stay in. I’m so sorry this is happening, I feel sorry for my fiancé, I wanted to see him with our baby in his arms. I’m so sorry that anyone has had to go through this.
I’m so sorry I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better.
I lost a baby at 4 and a half weeks it’s unimaginable the sense of loss.
Please never blame yourself ; I did but I now know it wasn’t my fault unfortunately something wasn’t right with our baby.
I’m thinking of you during this awful time xoxo

Thank you. I’m coping. Digging deep. We’re all stronger than we know
So so sorry. Have you tried ringing the miscarriage Association or even Tommy’s? They are amazing sources of support. You shouldn’t have to do this alone/without advice. Thinking of you xx
I’ve been put in a private room with an en suite. I’ve to pass all the blood and stuff into a cardboard pan that fits in the toilet seat. They’ve given me cocodamol which has taken the edge of the pain. I’m exhausted, aching. My fiancé has had to go home because of our dog. My mums brought me some clothes etc. I’m so heart broken. I feel broken. I feel faulty.
Oh my love what on earth is going on I'm so sorry this is happening to you, you've had an awful time, no words will help you at this time my dear, it's good your in the right place where they can take care of you, I'm so sorry lovely sending you big hugs and lots of love 💝😘
Thank you. The thing that’s got to me is it’s been going on for 3 weeks, steadily building, until this morning when it all came to ahead. I’m just getting through the physical side of things, then the mental will follow
Awful isn't it, I'm so sorry hun, bleeding is absolutely torture and the fact you've gone through it for 3 weeks shows how strong you are, remember not to rush your self hun floods if emotions will come and there's no right or wrong way just remember do what's right for you, do talk though don't bottle it up because it will come exploding out. We're all here for you and I hope you have a good support network at home. Take each day as it comes and don't expect nothing from yourself. Big hugs lovely pm me if you ever want to chat. 💝😘
Sorry you are going through this but even though it may feel like a punishment it truly isn't you are a worthy person and deserve happiness as much as anyone else life is not fair and we don't get what we deserve just sending love to you and hope you are well cared for and supported x
I am dreadfully sorry to hear this. Please know I am thinking about you at this terrible time. I have been there before a few times and know how harrowing and difficult it is. Sending you a hug. Take care.xo
I have no words, just sending you the biggest hug ever 😢