We got our bfp last Friday. But just so worried as last night there was some brown discharge and have been having period cramping but this morning all clear again anyone else gone through this after having a bfp and 5weeks pregnant. This is our 2nd attempt at ivf too
Worried 5 weeks pregnant and discharge - Fertility Network UK
Worried 5 weeks pregnant and discharge

Hi Kelly, I think if it’s brown blood it is old blood, perhaps displaced during implantation. So, provided this it isn’t red, I think you’re ok. Also cramping is very normal, with the uterus adjusting and making room... So try not to worry if you can. I had the tiniest amount of brown blood at 5+4 (a tiny brown stringy clot, sorry TMI!!) and 5+5 (pale brown tinge mixed in with CM when I wiped) but then nothing for the past 2 days. It’s a bit of a guessing game & hard not to over analyse but I think probability is on your side now. Fingers crossed Xx
This article put my mind at ease xx
I am currently 9 weeks and 5 days. I started bleeding pink, then brown at 7 weeks. I’m still bleeding brown. It’s been nearly 3 weeks. I’ve been to Early Pregnancy Unit 3 times, had ultrasound twice, and baby is fine. I have something called a sub chorionic hematoma, it’s a pocket of blood in my uterus that should heal itself and not harm the baby. But when I was there the midwives and doctors all said to me that bleeding was really common in the first trimester for all sorts of reasons. I know how scary it is and how worried you are, but the chances are everything is ok.
Thank you for your reassurance I'm trying not to over analyse and Google every little thing lol
Congrats on bfp! As others have already said, brown staining is suggestive of old blood. If you experience actual red bleeding, then this would be cause for concern. Crampy pains in early pregnancy can be often be due to the womb expanding. Great news the brown staining has gone away too. When is your first scan? You can get an early scan between 6-7weeks pregnant at yout local EPU. You could go through your gp and request one if you haven't already organised one. Try not to worry, although I know easier said than done! Take care. Xo
Just a fortnight really. It won't be long. Try and keep your mind occupied with other things and not worry. Distraction is a good policy Keep positive. You are pregnant and there is a tiny little person inside your womb growing and developing
I had period pain on and off the whole pregnancy which I was later told was the ligaments stretching starting as soon as implantation. The brown blood I had up until 10 weeks pregnant usually around the time my period would have been due but sometimes random. Brown blood very very common especially those early days but I understand the fear everytime it's seen as I had 5 trips to epu before 10 weeks due to it but little man was always there. Brown blood usually old blood so can be left over from implantation, sometimes a slight bleed can occur the early days but so slight takes it time to come out hence the brown colour. Congratulations on the BFP xx