No caffeine = bad headaches/migraines... - Fertility Network UK

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No caffeine = bad headaches/migraines 😢😩

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
20 Replies

Sorry for the moan but I’m really struggling with the no caffeine as I’m getting really bad headaches/migraines which I suffer with anyway. My acupuncturist told me to cut it out completely and I have been but it’s making me bed bound in agony! (I’m taking paracetamol and ibuprofen but it doesn’t touch me) I really want this last go of Ivf which I start in a few weeks to work so badly 🙏🏻. Do any of you think a weak cup of tea will be ok? I only used to have a latte in the morning and about 3 cups of tea maximum in work so it’s not like I was a big caffeine drinker (I only drink squash or water also). Your all the experts on here so I’m hoping for your guidance 🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘

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Crazymrsrees79 profile image
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20 Replies

I think everything in moderation is best maybe have decaf tea or try a herbal tea xx

I was the same when I stopped drinking coffee ( I didn't drink huge amounts of coffee). It did last a couple of days as it's withdrawal from caffeine.

I think having 1 tea won't harm as then you are weaning yourself off rather than just stopping.

Hope you feel better soon x

Lou7744 profile image

Hi there, I experienced the same thing.

Could you gradually reduce caffeine intake over a month or so? I remember speaking to the fertility nurse about the same thing and she advised me everything in moderation. My own opinion is that one cup of coffee per day isn’t going to make much of a difference. I have switched to decaf tea though xx

I had one caffeinated tea in the morning whilst stimming, went down to none after transfer, and I’ve just got my bfp so it would seem it was fine. Don’t give up though, once you get through a week or so of withdrawal, the headaches will go and it will have been worth it!

I find when I’m off caffeinated drinks, I start to crave chocolate and I’m sure it’s the caffeine in the chocolate that I crave! I give in though, as everything I’ve read suggests that milk chocolate has a tiny amount of caffeine in so I don’t think it will cause harm.

Buisquits profile image

I’m drinking one weak coffe a day. I don’t think it dies much harm and it’s better than suffering for days. I like Lou7744 idea about slowly reducing the intake, it will take 2-3 weeks but you can do it!

Good luck x

Crazymrsrees79 profile image

Thank you so much ladies for your advice, it’s a pain taking tablets and they don’t even touch it! Much appreciated 😘😘 x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Crazymrsrees79

Don’t take ibuprofen when stimming xx

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

I haven’t started it yet luv, I’ll be on the long protocol next time and I’ve got my appointment Thursday to go through everything, thanks for the info xx

KDA0510 profile image

Hi Crazymrsrees79! I used to drink 3 cups of coffee at work, then come home and have 2 teas! 🙈 I went cold turkey too and had the most horrific migraines as well as feeling super lethargic for a good 2-3 weeks. BUT it does go away! I will now treat myself to a decaf coffee once a week and stick to red bush tea (as it’s caffeine free). You can also get caffeine free tea too that taste the same as normal tea (in my opinion).

Sending you the best of luck, lovely! xx

lel1984 profile image

Definitely wean yourself off. Took me 2 weeks to get off the coffee. I gradually mixed my regular coffee with decaf coffee for a week or so and weaned off it. The headaches cold turkey were horrendous!

I've found the best decaf coffee is Nescafé azera and the best decaf tea I've found is the Yorkshire tea decaf.

Definitely persevere - I had the same thing when I gave up caffeine. I used to have a maximum of three cups of milky coffee a day when I gave it up completely. I only had a couple of days of bad headaches and then I was absolutely fine. In hindsight I should have weaned myself off but I got through it and was fine. Now I have the odd coffee / tea every once in a while (usually at people's houses when they don't have decaf). X

Tugsgirl profile image

Even a pregnant woman is allowed to consume up to 200mg a day. Don’t deprive yourself completely. Have one normal coffee per day and have decaf for the rest. Also don’t take any ibuprofen during treatment xx

emu2016 profile image

When I cut out coffee (barely drink tea) it was unbearable. Couldn’t sleep; grump; headaches; night sweats; neck ache... I promise you it ends. Just shows how reliant your body is on it.

I did have an occasional cup of tea; so as many have said... everything in moderation. It will pass. I was drinking about 6 cups of coffee before 9am! And about 4 after 8pm! It’ll come I promise. xx

in reply to emu2016

6 cups before 9am? No wonder you were grumpy! 😂 x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

I know! Then someone suggested I was caffeine dependent and I told them they were stupid... then I realised! Best thing I ever did! Feel so much better! x

in reply to emu2016

Haha! Denial! I dont miss it either. I don't have much dairy these days either (for different reasons) and used to feel like a bit of a t**t asking for a decaff latte with coconut milk, but I'm ok about it now! X

EmmaWills profile image

Hey, I know the struggle is real. Quitting a habit is not easy. I think you must have started off reducing the consumption gradually. Because quitting at once will not train your body to get used to the idea of "no-caffeine" regime. I started to reduce it a minimum 200mg a day, that what doctors advise. Also, there is no evidence reported to have a direct influence on fertility. But taking a cup will do no harm. Don't be hard on yourself.

I had the same problem when I first gave up caffeine, also had mega stomach & lower back ache but it did go after a week or so & now it doesn’t bother me at all. I started by reducing mine then cutting it out all together. Cold turkey didn’t work!! Good luck, you are doing the best thing xxxxxx ps. I found that Yorkshire tea decaf was the nicest but stained my teeth so I switched to Tetleys. I gave up sugar in tea about 6 months ago though so I’ve kind of given it up altogether & now drink fruit teas most of the time xxx

AJJ123 profile image

Omg I went through the same. Not good but you’ll soon notice some positive changes. I don’t feel as sluggish and I know come ivf it’s a better state to be in xx

Crazymrsrees79 profile image

Thank you so much ladies for the info, I’m in bed now with a stinker of a migraine so my hubby is making me a weak coffee. I could take one of my migraine tablets but it’s only gonna come back by tomorrow so I’m just gonna try sleep it off hopefully, can’t wait till it passes. Your all angels for your kindness xx

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