Hi guys I don’t know why but I’ve come over all aggy frustrated and very negative. I’ve got possible egg transfer on Saturday. I just have a gut feeling it’s not going to be. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this but I can’t shift it. The lab said my partners frozen sperm weren’t a great sample. So with this and reading a few other blogs I’m so agitated. I know I’ve gotta try and think positive but it’s so hard. Last cycle which was my first I only had one egg, which sadly when it was checked on day five it had only made it to day three. I’ve got five eggs and I know I should be thinking positive. The lab tech with my age of 34 I should be positive and should expect at least one. But I literally can’t think positive right now. It’s doing my box in. Can anyone perk me up with some advice as to what to do please xx
Got a bad feeling: Hi guys I don’t know... - Fertility Network UK
Got a bad feeling

It's quite natural, you will go through another crisis mid way through your two week wait. At the moment you will just feel a little helpless too as everything is happening somewhere else where you have no control. Also there is a rising fear of everything you have been working towards coming to a crucial moment. The only thing you can do is try some mindfulness and some visualisations to help your wee eggs along. There are lots of free ones on you tube if you do a Google search.
However you fret you can't change the outcome so the only thing you can do is work on the visualisations and preparing your body to be as receptive as possible for the transfer.
You can do this! Xxx
You're trying to bullet-proof yourself against disappointment. I think we all do it to some extent throughout this process - letting the bad thoughts take over so if the worst comes to the worst it doesn't break your heart because you're already prepared. You can't help it, it's a protective mechanism.
Like Camillage said, there's nothing you can do to change what's happening there in the lab (and your negative thoughts certainly can't change anything - except the way you're feeling!), so just focus on what you CAN do. Look after yourself, eat well, sleep well (if you can!!) and pamper yourself a little bit before Saturday.
I'm cheering on your little embryos to keep developing!!!
Chin up lovely xxx