Things to consider when over 40 - Fertility Network UK

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Things to consider when over 40

zobot profile image
10 Replies

Hi there, i am now 44 and before now haven't been in the right place/relationship to start a family, wondering who else been in my position and what did you decide to do? Tests to have? used your your own eggs? Egg recipient? had tests for chromosome defects if used your own eggs? lots of questions I know.


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zobot profile image
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10 Replies

Hello, I can relate to you to a point. I met my husband at 35 & have been trying to have a baby for 5 years. I have trouble conceiving naturally so was being seen at a NHS fertility clinic after being diagnosed with Endometriosis. I was about to start IVF twice & concieved naturally just before the cycles would begin. Sadly both pregnancies ended in missed miscarriages , the last one a year ago. I've tried the Endometriosis diet since but haven't concieved again & found my UK fertility clinic very negative regarding my age. I came to an Athens clinic & the attitude was totally different & gave me hope. I have had tests to rule out many issues & the suspected cause of the miscarriages was found. I had a cycle of IVF with my own eggs. I only had 6 eggs retrieved but had 3 pretty good enbryos put back. I can't say if its worked yet because I am on the 2ww. A friends sister went down the donor egg route in Spain & gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday & she is 46 in May. I would say get as many facts about your own situation as possible & make your decisions from that. I know at 41 the odds are not in my favour but at least I'm trying. Good luck ! Xx

zobot profile image
zobot in reply to

Hi thanks for your reply, Shame to hear uk clinic not very positive . I haven't had further investigations into if any probs conceiving etc but not nothing abnormal from outside periods regular and normal

Just want people's advice to be better informed aswell contacting correct clinics etc

in reply to zobot

All my tests in January came back fine too. Right now my only problem is a Endometrial cyst on one ovary that's not that big so I'm not sure why I'm not conceiving.I had to take action because I do feel my time is running out. I would have struggled to afford much IVF in the UK & that's the main reason I chose a clinic abroad as if need be we can have more cycles. X

I’m not sure how good I can advise you I’m not medical.

I think the first port of call would be your GP who can run fertility tests and refer you to a fertility clinic ( depending on your CCG criteria)

Trying to put it nicely and no offence is intended but you may because of your age you may not meet your CCG criteria and have to go privately for fertility treatment . Many private clinics hold free open evenings so you view the clinic and ask the consultant any questions you have. Some private clinics do package deals and offer refunds on if treatment isn’t successful.

The consultant will be able to give you the best options for you ; it’s very individual.

I wish you luck in your journey and hope it goes well 💝 xoxo

zobot profile image
zobot in reply to

Hi thanks for your reply, I have been to gp back end of 2017 had test for ovulating and results were fine, I have no issues with periods etc evening seems normal on the outside. My partner hadn't done a semen analysis yet but in regards to ccg it's one cycle for ? Up to 43 so thought I would ask people on here there thoughts and look at private so as maybe not wasting more time

Kenny75 profile image
Kenny75 in reply to zobot

I was told a few weeks ago we won’t qualify for NHS funding due to being over 40 - I’ll be 43 in a couple of months

I think you should get an AMH test done and speak with a specialist as time is not on us over 40’s side. We tried for 6 months no joy then went to gp who suggested we get tests done ASAP. My AMH came back at 0.5 really low. Was advised that my own eggs wouldn’t be good enough and donor eggs best option. All of this was a massive blow as not being able to conceive naturally never crossed my mind. Anyway within a few months found clinic with donor eggs and no wait as we were told again time against us. First transfer January and pregnant but miscarried. Lots of tests done and second transfer soon. That’s my story. Two of my friends on the other hand have fallen pregnant without trying one 43 one 45 so we are all different. We felt by getting AMH tested we knew what was realistic for us. It’s all such a journey. I hope yours is smooth and easy. If you need any other info let me know xxx

Datak profile image

Snuggles is absoloutely right, it starts with the AMH figures really. Research a private clinic that specialises in the over 40s, it really helps if they have the experience. I think you are right to jump straight to private. I also reccomend getting everything in gear now, as you even think about the process, e.g. vitamins (i took proxeed), lifestyle (food/alcohol etc), acupuncture (if you into it). lots of people reccomend, 'it starts with an egg' book. Good luck honey, if it helps... I was over 40 when had my treatments and have a beautiful little girl now. xxx

pachelbel profile image

I got pregnant at age 40 and 42 naturally but ended in miscarriage. Now aged 43 and had tests done at private clinic (was referred by GP) and had polyp removed last year (which resulted in second pregnancy at age 42). AMH is high for someone my age, more like someone in early 30’s.

Nothing wrong with husband and myself ... just age.

Have used own eggs and waiting for egg transfer.

We are all different and sometimes it feels like doctors put us in a box because you are this age and you are this age, and here’s the chances of success for you, but be positive and keep hoping.

You don’t know if you don’t try.

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey, Im 40. I was in a similar position to you that I didnt meet my husband until I was 35 and we started trying for a baby when I was 37. I think a semen analysis to check there is nothing untoward there would be a good place to start which Im sure your GP could do (turned out my hubby had a very low sperm count). You've had the ovulating blood tests down so thats the main two. The next port of call as the others have said is your AMH and a consultation to weigh up your options.

My AMH was 7.19 when I started which meant I was put on fairly high levels of drugs for stimulation. I'll ignore my first cycle which was rubbish so started taking DHEA to improve egg quality (feel free to read back my previous posts). On cycle two I got 6 eggs, 2 got to early blastocyst and no pregnancy and no embryos to freeze. Cycle 3 I got 9 eggs, we got 1 very good blastocyst, no pregnancy and no embryos to freeze. On our review we got told that they reckoned I had a 5% chance of success which was a shock (knew it would be low but maybe not that low) and that my eggs were the issue due to my age....still 39 at this point. We had already started to talk about donor egg and decided to go for that abroad and chose Athens. We got 6 top quality blastocysts and have transfer 2 (on one cycle) and no pregnancy still. However they have uncovered other issues that may be causing me problems so in the midst of sorting that out before we transfer again.

Its a tough decision on what path to choose and we decided to go onto DE as we couldnt have afforded to keep doing cycles with perhaps only getting to 1 blastocyst each time. At the end of he day there are no guarantees with OE or DE but we wanted to up wour chances of success. The clinic should give an indication of what they think your chances are and you really just need to take things from there. Best of luck. Feel free to ask any questions.xx

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