Hi all, just had a failed fresh cycle, had none to freeze. The one embryo we had transferred back was very good. Had a cycle a few years back 1 fresh fail, 2 frozen fail then the last frozen got pregnant but miscarried at 6 weeks.
Not sure what to do now, should we have another go or not. We are thinking of adoption too.
Will be 40 in a few weeks and the consultant said only a 5-10% chance of success after 40! Not sure its even worth trying.
Has anyone over 40 had successful ivf and had a baby?
Emotionally its so hard. Its been a rollercoaster for the past 5 years. Had laparoscopies, endometriosis, pcos, one tube removed, MRI's, blood tests galore, scans galore. Consultant said no issues were seen in my womb at the last laparoscopy. So 4 implantation failures and 1 miscarriage.
Really dont know what to do! Never thought my life would end up like this. Ivf really is all consuming, it takes over your whole life. Dont even feel like the person I used to be! ☹